The Final Girls is a 2015 American horror slasher comedy film, directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson and written by M.A. Fortin and Joshua John Miller. The film stars Taissa Farmiga and Malin Åkerman in the two leading roles, with supporting performances from Adam DeVine, Thomas Middleditch, Alia Shawkat, Alexander Ludwig, Nina Dobrev, Chloe Bridges, and Angela Trimbur.
The film had its world premiere on March 13, 2015 at South by Southwest. It then screened at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival on September 19, 2015. It was released in the United States on October 9, 2015 in a limited release and through video on demand by Stage 6 Films and Vertical Entertainment.Synopsis
Max Cartwright (Taissa Farmiga) waits in the car while her actress mother, Amanda (Malin Åkerman), auditions for a film. When she returns, Amanda complains that, for the rest of her career, she'll be known for her role as scream queen Nancy in the 1986 slasher film Camp Bloodbath, now a cult classic. On the way home, the two get into a car accident, leaving Max as the only survivor.