The Forgotten is a 2014 British horror film and the directorial debut of Oliver Frampton. The movie had its world premiere on 22 August 2014 at FrightFest and centers teenager that is forced to squat with his father but finds that he may be the focus of a ghost.Synopsis
Tommy (Clem Tibber) is a fourteen-year-old boy that is forced to live with his father Mark (Shaun Dingwall) after his mother has a nervous breakdown. He's dismayed upon learning that his father is one of several squatters living in an empty council estate destined for demolition, but tries to make the best of it. Tommy finds himself waking up each night by strange noises and on one occasion, finds that he and all of his belongings have been dragged from one side of the room to the other. Growing ever more terrified, Tommy tries to talk to his father but finds that his father has been becoming ever more bizarre and disturbing in personality.