The Fox Hunt is a 1938 animated short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by RKO Radio Pictures. The film stars Donald Duck and Goofy on a traditional English fox hunt. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Horace Horsecollar, and Clara Cluck also make brief cameos. The film was directed by Ben Sharpsteen and features the voices of Clarence Nash as Donald and Pinto Colvig as Goofy.Synopsis
Donald Duck sings "A-Hunting We Will Go" as he takes off on a fox hunt, carrying a hunting horn and the leashes of several bloodhounds. Donald struggles to control the dogs as they search for the scent of a fox. Meanwhile, Goofy rides a horse as part of the main hunting party. When his horse refuses to jump over a hedge, Goofy demonstrates himself how to make the jump, but discovers a pond directly on the other side.