The Hunters (Swedish: Jägarna) is a 1996 Swedish thriller directed by Kjell Sundvall. A police officer from Stockholm moves back to his hometown Älvsbyn in Norrland in northern Sweden. He starts to work on a long-running reindeer poaching case and soon discovers that his brother is involved.
The film was one of the biggest Swedish box-office hits ever and received two Guldbagge Awards for Best Direction (Kjell Sundvall) and Best Supporting Actor (Lennart Jähkel). It was also nominated for Best Actor (Rolf Lassgård), Best Cinematography and Best Screenplay.
Hollywood wanted to make a remake of this film and the American producers wanted it to be about cowboys in the Nevada desert, shooting wild horses for fun. Kjell Sundvall was positive to this at first but later changed his mind.
A sequel, The Hunters 2, premiered in September 2011.Synopsis
Erik (Rolf Lassgård), a Stockholm police officer, reunites with his relatives upon the death of his abusive father in Norrbotten, where his brother Leif (Lennart Jähkel) still lives. We learn that the control the father exerted over the family results in Leif giving up singing, despite being clearly talented and instead remains at home with his father.