The Indian Wars Refought is a 1914 American drama silent film that depicts several historical battles of The Indian Wars. The film was directed by Theodore Wharton and stars William F. Cody, Nelson Appleton Miles and Charles King, all of whom participated in the actual battles depicted in the movie. The feature was produced by the Buffalo Bill Historical Picture Company and Essanay Film Mfg. Company. The film was released in August 1914, but according to modern sources, it only played in Denver and New York because of pressure from the government, which disapproved of its content because it showed the Indians in a somewhat favorable light. It is now considered a lost film.
According to news sources from 1917, the original film was titled Wars of Civilization, but other alternate titles for the feature include: The Last Indian Battles, From the Warpath to the Peace Pipe, The Wars for Civilization in America, Buffalo Bill's Indian Wars and Indian War Pictures.Synopsis
The film recreates four battles - the Battle of Summit Springs, the Battle of Warbonnet Creek, the Battle of the Mission and the Battle of Wounded Knee - which were fought by the United States Cavalry and various tribes of the Sioux Indians. The movie also features re-enactments of the Campaign of the Ghost Dance or Messiah Craze War, and the capture of Chief Big Foot. The feature also depicted Indian war dances, burning of camps and tepees, horse rustling and scalping. The end of the picture included scenes of Indian children attending modern schools and Indian farmers bringing in their crops.