The Kiss is a 1988 horror/thriller film set in the United States and Africa. A late occult-horror-voodoo style film, it stars Joanna Pacula, Meredith Salenger and Nicholas Kilbertus.
A short prologue set in "Belgian Congo, 1963" establishes two of the main characters, Hilary and Felice Dunbar, and also the film's curse, as well as a cursed totem resembles a seemingly-angry leech-like serpentine figure with a long tongue. Flash forward to the late 1980s, Albany, New York, where Hilary (Talya Rubin) lives with her husband Jack Halloran (Nicholas Kilbertus) and teenage daughter Amy (Meredith Salenger). Their suburban stability is shattered when Hilary receives an unexpected phone call from her estranged sister Felice (Joanna Pacuła), now a globe-travelling model. The two arrange to meet, yet Hilary dies in a gruesome car accident soon after inviting Felice to visit her family in Albany. Felice shows up anyway five months later, swiftly seduces Jack, kills a few interlopers, and makes quick enemies with her niece Amy.Synopsis
Un court prologue en 1963 au Congo belge nous présente les sœurs, Hilary (Talya Rubin) et Felice (Priscilla Mouzakiotis) Dunbar, qui seront séparées durant leur enfance. Felice est renvoyée dans un train avec sa tante qui possède un totem maudit ressemblant à un serpent. En route vers l'Europe, sa tante possédée par le talisman attaque Felice, l'embrassant violemment alors que le sang s'échappe de sa bouche. Le chef de train trouve le cadavre déformé de sa tante, et Felice quitte le train avec le talisman.