The Man Who Found Himself (1937), also known as Wings of Mercy, is an American aviation film based on the unpublished story "Wings of Mercy" by Alice F. Curtis. The film marked the first starring role for 19-year-old Joan Fontaine, who was billed as the "new RKO screen personality", highlighted following the end of the film by a special "on screen" introduction. Unlike many of the period films that appeared to glorify aviation, it was a complex film, examining the motivations of both doctors and pilots.Synopsis
Young doctor, Jim Stanton (John Beal) has two passionate interests in conflict with each other. He is first a conscientious surgeon, but in his spare time, pursues his love of flying, a dangerous hobby that his well-intentioned father abhors. His father is a well-regarded doctor who does his best to curtail his son's flying.