The Mindscape of Alan Moore is a 2003 documentary film which chronicles the life and work of Alan Moore, author of several acclaimed graphic novels, including From Hell, Watchmen and V for Vendetta.
The Mindscape of Alan Moore is Shadowsnake’s first completed feature project, part One of the Shamanautical / 5 Elements series. It is the directorial debut of DeZ Vylenz. It is the only feature film production on which Alan Moore has collaborated, with permission to use his work.
This feature was shot on film, in colour, and is 78 minutes in length.
^ Dez Vylenz: Directing The Mindscape of Alan Moore, Newsarama, September 22, 2008Synopsis
Alan Moore presents the story of his development as an artist, starting with his childhood and working through to his comics career and impact on that medium, and his emerging interest in magic.