Black Sun is a documentary film directed by Gary Tarn. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2005.
Gary Tarn explores the story of Hugues de Montalembert, a New York-based artist and filmmaker who was blinded by a vicious, unprovoked attack by two young assailants in 1978. After the attack, Montalembert learned to cope with his despair and to go through life a new way, seeking to make ordinary things extraordinary. Defying expectation, this remarkable artist continued to travel the world alone, learning to navigate life in a new and beautiful way. Through creative imagery and philosophical narration, director and composer Gary Tarn creates an expressionist, poetic meditation both on an extraordinary life without vision, and on the idea of perception in general.Synopsis
Un soir de 1978, Hugues de Montalembert, peintre et réalisateur, est agressé dans son appartement de New York. Alors qu’il se défend, il reçoit du décapant dans les yeux. Quelques heures plus tard, il a perdu la vue pour toujours. Au fil des mois, il se réapproprie son quotidien et commence à voyager, seul, en Indonésie ou en Inde. Un nouveau monde de perceptions s’ouvre alors à lui.