The Misfortunates (Dutch: De helaasheid der dingen) is a 2009 Belgian comedy-drama film directed by Felix Van Groeningen. It is adapted from the (partly autobiographical) book De Helaasheid der Dingen by Belgian writer Dimitri Verhulst. The film stars Koen De Graeve, Johan Heldenbergh, Wouter Hendrickx, Bert Haelvoet, Valentijn Dhaenens, Kenneth Vanbaeden and Gilda De Bal.Synopsis
Writer Gunther Strobbe made his ladyfriend pregnant and looks back at this youth. He lived together with his father, grandmother and uncles in a house in the fictitious town of Reetveerdegem. Much of his youth was about drinking, cigarettes, women, and truancy. Heavier themes include addiction, criminality, and death.