The Murder of Emmett Till is a 2003 documentary film produced by Firelight Media that aired on the PBS program American Experience. The film chronicles the story of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old black boy visiting relatives in Mississippi in 1955. He was brutally murdered by two white men for whistling at a white woman, unaware he had broken an un-written law of the Jim Crow South. His mother decided to place her son’s body on display at a Church in Chicago for 4 days so that the world could see what had been done to her son. Photos flooded newspapers, putting the case on the map both nationally and internationally. The two men accused of his murder were acquitted after a short five-day trial with an all-white male jury where the possibility of justice was made a mockery of. Shortly afterward, the defendants sold their story to journalists detailing how they carried out the murder.Synopsis
En 1955, l’assassinat au Mississippi d’un jeune Noir accusé d’avoir sifflé une femme blanche secoue les États-Unis, et joue un rôle primordial dans le déclenchement du mouvement pour les droits civiques. Portrait glaçant d’une Amérique capable de tous les extrêmes.