The Small One is a 1978 animated Christmas short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and was originally released to theaters in the United States by Buena Vista Distribution with a Christmas 1978 re-release of Pinocchio. The story is based on a children's book by Charles Tazewell and was an experiment for the newer and younger Disney animators, including Don Bluth, Richard Rich, Henry Selick, Gary Goldman and John Pomeroy.
The story tells of a young boy, outside Nazareth, who must part with his best friend, an old donkey named Small One. He brings it to market, but no one is in need of a "scrawny donkey", save for a tanner.Synopsis
Outside of the city of Nazareth, a young boy and his father own four donkeys. Three of these donkeys are young and strong. The fourth donkey, Small One, is old and weak, but the boy loves him anyway. Everyday, the boy and the donkey play together before they go to work, helping the boy's father to collect wood.