The Three Wishes of Billy Grier is a 1984 made-for-TV feature-length drama, starring Ralph Macchio. It first aired November 1, 1984.
While this movie is a fictional work, it is prefaced by a note accounting that a condition such as the main character's does exist, and that the film imagines the life of such a victim.Synopsis
Ralph Macchio plays Billy Grier, the 15-year-old victim of a rare degenerative disease that speeds up the aging process. After Billy suddenly becomes ill, a series of tests are run, with the diagnosis tragic. A team of doctors tell Billy and his mother Nancy (Betty Buckley) that there is no cure for his condition and that he will die of old age related natural causes decades before his time. Shortly after this, Billy breaks down following a rage-filled rant where he destroys almost everything in his bedroom.