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The Wrong Man is a american film of genre Drama directed by Alfred Hitchcock released in USA on 26 january 1957 with Henry Fonda

The Wrong Man (1957)

The Wrong Man
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Released in USA 26 january 1957
Length 1h45
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Noir,    Crime
Rating73% 3.697493.697493.697493.697493.69749

The Wrong Man is a 1956 American docudrama film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Henry Fonda and Vera Miles. The film was drawn from the true story of an innocent man charged with a crime, as described in the book, The True Story of Christopher Emmanuel Balestrero by Maxwell Anderson, and in the magazine article, "A Case of Identity" (Life magazine, June 29, 1953) by Herbert Brean.

It was one of the few Hitchcock films based on a true story and whose plot closely followed the real-life events.

The Wrong Man had a notable effect on two significant directors: it prompted Jean-Luc Godard's longest piece of written criticism, and affected Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver. Actors appearing in the film, but not listed in the credits, include Harry Dean Stanton, Werner Klemperer, Tuesday Weld, Bonnie Franklin, and Barney Martin. Weld and Franklin made their film debuts as two giggly girls answering the door when the Balestreros are seeking witnesses to prove his innocence.


For the only time in his many films, Alfred Hitchcock starts this picture talking to the camera and says that "every word is true" in this story.


Henry Fonda

(Manny Balestrero)
Vera Miles

(Rose Balestrero)
Anthony Quayle

(Frank D. O'Connor)
Harold J. Stone

(Detective Lt. Bowers)
Nehemiah Persoff

(Gene Conforti)
Trailer of The Wrong Man

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