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Barbara Lang is a Actor American born on 2 march 1928 at Hollywood (USA)

Barbara Lang

Barbara Lang
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Birth name Barbara Jean Bly
Nationality USA
Birth 2 march 1928 at Hollywood (USA)
Death 22 july 1982 (at 54 years) at Los Angeles (USA)

Barbara Lang (March 2, 1928 – July 22, 1982) was an American actress and singer. During the 1950s she was one of the many "B"-level blondes to be promoted as a Marilyn Monroe type.

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Filmography of Barbara Lang (4 films)

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Party Girl
Party Girl (1958)
, 1h39
Directed by Nicholas Ray
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Themes Mafia films, Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Gangster films
Actors Robert Taylor, Cyd Charisse, Lee J. Cobb, John Ireland, Kent Smith, Claire Kelly
Roles Ginger D'Amour
Rating69% 3.495543.495543.495543.495543.49554
Slick lawyer Thomas Farrell has made a career of defending Chicago mobsters in court. At a party for mob boss Rico Angelo, he meets chorus girl Vicki Gaye, who accepted $100 to attend the party and another $400 from another gangster, Louis Canetto, from his gambling winnings.
Hot Summer Night, 1h26
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists
Actors Leslie Nielsen, Edward Andrews, Colleen Miller, Jay C. Flippen, James Best, Paul Richards
Roles Girl
Rating60% 3.0467953.0467953.0467953.0467953.046795
A reporter on his honeymoon goes to dangerous lengths to interview a notorious bank robber.
House of Numbers, 1h30
Directed by Russell Rouse
Origin USA
Genres Noir, Crime
Themes Films about families, Prison films
Actors Jack Palance, Barbara Lang, Harold J. Stone, Edward Platt, Timothy Carey, Joe Conley
Roles Mrs. Ruth Judlow
Rating63% 3.1887353.1887353.1887353.1887353.188735
Arnie Judlow (Jack Palance) is an imprisoned gangster. During a prison visit, Bill Judlow, his law-abiding brother, switches places, allowing himself to be incarcerated as the real criminal walks free. Ruth Judlow (Barbara Lang), wife of one of the Judlow boys, wavers in her loyalties.
House of Numbers
Directed by Russell Rouse
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Noir, Crime
Themes Prison films, Évasion
Actors Jack Palance, Harold J. Stone, Edward Platt, Barbara Lang, Timothy Carey, Joe Conley
Roles Mrs. Ruth Judlow
Rating63% 3.1887353.1887353.1887353.1887353.188735
Bill et Arnie Judlow (Jack Palance) sont frères jumeaux. Marié à Ruth (Barbara Lang ), Arnie, un ancien boxeur professionnel, tue un homme par jalousie et se retrouve emprisonné à la prison d'État de San Quentin. Son frère et sa femme vont s'unir pour l'aider à s'évader. Dans leurs préparatifs, ils sont repérés par un voisin qui travaille à la prison, Henry Nova (Harold J. Stone), ce qui va compliquer leurs plans.