Tracers is a 2015 American action drama film directed by Daniel Benmayor and co-written by Kevin Lund, Leslie Bohem, Matt Johnson, Matthew Johnson and T.J. Scott. The film stars Taylor Lautner, Marie Avgeropoulos, Adam Rayner and Sam Medina. The film was released on March 20, 2015.Synopsis
Cam (Taylor Lautner) is a bike messenger in New York City struggling to make ends meet. He rents from a woman, Angie, and her young son. He is accosted by thugs who warn that he has missed two payments on a $15,000 loan. After he crashes his bike when a stranger named Nikki (Marie Avgeropoulos) lands on him, he becomes intent on finding her. Intrigued by the leaps, bounds and physical prowess of parkour (or "tracing") demonstrated by her and her friends, Cam begins practicing and training. After a particularly daring stunt proves his abilities, Cam is introduced to her crew, a team that uses parkour to pull off heists.