Transylmania is a 2009 horror/farce sequel to the 2006 comedy National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2, the film is directed by the brothers David and Scott Hillenbrand and written by Patrick Casey and Worm Miller. The film received very poor reception from critics and performed horribly at the box office, making it one of the biggest flops of 2009.Synopsis
In the 16th century, Romania is terrorized by the vampire king Radu, and his lover the evil sorceress Stephenia. Vampire hunter Victor Van Sloan tricks Stephenia into opening an enchanted music box, which sucks in her soul. Escaping out a window into daylight, Van Sloan falls to his death thanks to his moronic gay son accidentally pushing the hay cart meant to soften the landing away. The music box ends up being washed away in the river, leading Radu to began a centuries-long search for the box.