Class Reunion is a 1982 comedy horror film produced by National Lampoon as the third film from the magazine. It was the second film released; although National Lampoon Goes To The Movies was filmed in 1981, it was delayed and not released until 1983.Synopsis
Lizzie Borden High's class of 1972 are getting ready to go through the motions at their ten year reunion, when a deranged alum Walter Baylor, who was driven insane by a horrible sadistic senior-year prank, escapes from the mental institution and decides to crash the party at his high school reunion. Guests start to disappear and are found dead, the other alumni, including the high class snooty yacht salesman Bob Spinnaker, class tease Bunny Packard, and the class zero Gary Nash, spring into action as they try to uncover the culprit and put an end to the nightmare that has become their class reunion.