Trashed is an award-winning documentary feature film, written and directed by British film-maker Candida Brady. It follows Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons as he investigates the shocking global scale and devastating impact of humanity's modern waste. Sean Bobbitt (Hunger, 12 Years a Slave) is the film's Director of Photography.
Trashed was premiered at Cannes Film Festival in 2012 where it was nominated for the Camera d'Or. Since then it has been screened at the UK Houses of Parliament, the Welsh Assembly, the Scottish Parliament, the European Parliament and the French National Assembly. It has been shown at film festivals across the world, from Sarajevo to Kuala Lumpur and public screenings and educational forums worldwide, from Yale to Jakarta.
Critical reactions to the film's revelation of the scale and nature of humanity's global waste, and the resulting impact on our air, seas and land, were overwhelmingly positive. "...for all the poisonous truths in “Trashed,” there are also solid grass-roots solutions that, as presented, feel do-able and politically digestible...Crucial viewing for realists and alarmists both" (New York Daily News)."(a) global crisis that's vividly, relentlessly detailed in the vital documentary "Trashed"" (LA Times)." that plastic water bottle in your hand will feel as dangerous as a Molotov cocktail" (New York Times)."Trashed is a documentary that needs to be seen, that needs to enter the mainstream. Because we’re (still) trashing the planet. We’ve heard this enough to stop thinking about the implications, to start humming to what’s become white noise - but Trashed rearticulates the message, volunteering a not just inconvenient but downright harrowing set of truths…." (Sabotage Times).
"The beauty of our planet from space forms a violent contrast to the scenes of human detritus across the globe...Each year, we now throw away fifty-eight billion disposable cups, billions of plastic bags, 200 billion litres of water bottles, billions of tons of household waste, toxic waste and e-waste. We buy it, we bury it, we burn it and then we ignore it. Does anyone think about what happens to all the trash we produce?"Synopsis
Le film suit l'acteur britannique Jeremy Irons alors qu'il examine à l'échelle mondiale l'impact de l'humanité moderne et des déchets. L'acteur oscarisé rencontre des spécialistes, des scientifiques, des particuliers victimes de la pollution. Une grande partie du fim expose les conséquences des émissions des incinérateurs, pour cela le documentaire s'attarde en France ou en Islande. Le documentaire s'intéresse aussi à la question du plastique et à ses conséquences sur les océans.