Unaccompanied Minors (called Grounded in the UK) is a 2006 Christmas comedy film directed by Paul Feig, starring Lewis Black and Wilmer Valderrama, and co-starring Tyler James Williams, Dyllan Christopher, Brett Kelly, Gia Mantegna, and Quinn Shephard. It is based on a true story by Susan Burton first told on the public radio show This American Life under the title "In the Event of an Emergency, Put Your Sister in an Upright Position".Synopsis
Spencer Davenport (Dyllan Christopher) and his sister Katherine must fly from California to Pennsylvania on Christmas Eve to spend the holidays with their dad, an environmentalist. Unfortunately, during their layover at the Hoover Airport in Kansas, a massive blizzard grounds all planes and cancels all flights, and the siblings are sent to the anarchic UM (unaccompanied minors') room, where they meet Christmas-spirited, but Jewish, smarty-pants Charlie Goldfinch (Tyler James Williams), surly and tomboyish tough girl Donna Malone (Quinn Shephard), glamorous and arrogant rich girl Grace Conrad (Gia Mantegna), and mysterious Beef Wellington (Brett Kelly).