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Uncle Krüger is a film of genre War directed by Karl Anton with Emil Jannings

Uncle Krüger (1941)

Uncle Krüger
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Length 2h15
Directed by ,    ,    
Genres War,    Historical
Rating63% 3.1987353.1987353.1987353.1987353.198735

Ohm Krüger (English: Uncle Krüger) is a 1941 German biographical film directed by Hans Steinhoff and starring Emil Jannings, Lucie Höflich and Werner Hinz. It was one of a series of propaganda films produced in Nazi Germany attacking the British. The film depicts the life of the South African politician Paul Kruger and his eventual defeat by the British during the Boer War.

It was the first film to be awarded the 'Film of the Nation' award. It was re-released in 1944.


The film opens with a dying Paul Krüger (Emil Jannings) speaking about his life to his nurse in a Geneva hotel. The rest of the film is told in flashback.


Trailer of Uncle Krüger

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