Urbanized is a documentary film directed by Gary Hustwit and released on 26 October 2011 and considered the third of a three-part series on design known as the Design Trilogy, the first being Helvetica about the typeface and the second being Objectified about industrial design.
The documentary discusses the design of cities, looking at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world's foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. To promote the documentary film 'Urbanized' Build screen-printed a set of four limited edition prints based on four themes (Housing, Mobility, Public Space & Infrastructure).
Jean-Claude Mézières a sept jours pour réaliser une planche de sa nouvelle bande dessinée. Nous pénétrons alors dans l'intimité de l'artiste qui nous fait vivre son quotidien de dessinateur. Entre stress, doutes et solitude, le maître du 9e art devra passer bien des étapes avant d'aboutir au résultat final.
The film follows the creation of sculptor Hans Pauli Olsen's biggest sculpture so far. We take part in the process when the artist is working in his backyard studio together with his young nude model. We are the fly on the wall, when the artist forgets about the camera and exists only for creating his art with his bare hands. And we experience the contrast between art as subtile, exhibited works in distinguished halls of art and as a simple lump of clay in a dirty garage.
, 1h5 Directed byRaymond Depardon OriginFrance GenresDocumentary ThemesDocumentary films about the visual arts, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Autobiographical documentary films, Photographie Rating72% Dans ce film, le photojournaliste de l'agence Magnum, filmé en gros plan, présente et raconte ses documents et souvenirs photographiques de 1957 à 1977, c'est-à-dire les vingt premières années de son travail photographique, depuis ses premiers clichés dans la ferme de ses parents jusqu'aux films sur le Tchad. Réalisé en 1983, il est sorti en 1984 et a reçu le Prix des Rencontres d'Arles cette même année.