Vaajlaach Paahije - Game Ki Shinema (English: The show must go on) is a 2015 Marathi comedy-drama film directed by R.Viraj and produced by Channel U Entertainment. The film features an ensemble cast of Bhalchandra Kadam, Aarti Solanki, Chinmay Udgirkar, Girija Joshi, Rajesh Bhosale.
The film is a tribute to Dada Kondke, a Marathi actor and film Producer, who was known for his double entendre dialogues in the movie. The film is slated for release on 11th September, 2015.Synopsis
The film revolves around a struggling director, Yash, (Rajesh Bhosale_ and a struggling actor, Raj, Chinmay Udgirkar who try to cross all the hurdles to make a film and make it a big success for themselves. The two goons start their search for a Producer for their film. During the strive to make a film they come across a filthy Producer named Bhau Damdar, Bhalchandra Kadam who agrees to finance only on the condition of getting a beautiful heroine for the film.