Voodoo Dawn is a 1990 American horror film directed by Steven Fierberg and starring Tony Todd, Raymond St. Jacques, Theresa Merritt and Gina Gershon. It was written by Jeffrey Delman, Evan Dunsky, Thomas Rendon and John A. Russo, and produced by Steven D. Mackler.
Voodoo Dawn was adapted from the eponymous pulp horror novel by John A. Russo, known also as the screenwriter for Night of the Living Dead.Synopsis
The story is set in the Deep South, where a diabolical, machete-wielding voodoo priest (Tony Todd) is busily turning Haitian migrant farm workers into flesh-eating, zombie slaves. However, his plans are disrupted by the arrival of two college students searching for a missing colleague who turns out to have been one of the priest's earlier zombie experiments.