Welcome to Me is a 2014 American comedy-drama film directed by Shira Piven and written by Eliot Laurence. The film stars Kristen Wiig as Alice Klieg, a recent lottery-winning millionaire with borderline personality disorder who uses her new found wealth to write and star in an autobiographical talk show. The cast includes James Marsden, Linda Cardellini and Wes Bentley. The film was released on May 1, 2015 in a limited release.Synopsis
Alice Klieg (Kristen Wiig), a mentally ill single woman living on disability benefits, and fan of Oprah Winfrey, wins the California Stack Sweepstakes lottery jackpot of $86 million. She appears on the local tv news celebrating her win, but is upset when the speech she had prepared is abruptly cut off after she mentions using masturbation as a sedative. She discontinues her medication, against the advice of her therapist, Daryl Moffat (Tim Robbins), and moves into a casino hotel with her best friend Gina Selway (Linda Cardellini).