Wells Fargo (1937) is an American Western film directed by Frank Lloyd and starring Joel McCrea, Bob Burns and Frances Dee. This is the third of four movies in which real life husband and wife McCrea and Dee starred together.
It was nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Sound (Loren L. Ryder).Synopsis
In the early 1840s, Wells & Fargo employee Ramsay MacKay (Joel McCrea) comes upon a broken down carriage in the countryside and gives belle Justine Pryor (Frances Dee) and her mother (Mary Nash) a lift into Buffalo, New York, though he warns them he is in a hurry to make a delivery of fresh oysters. The ladies endure a very bumpy ride, and he arrives in time to enable his employer, Henry Wells (Henry O'Neill), to impress some bankers with the speed of his service.