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If I Were King is a american film of genre Drama directed by Frank Lloyd released in USA on 28 september 1938 with Ronald Colman

If I Were King (1938)

If I Were King
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Released in USA 28 september 1938
Length 1h41
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Adventure,    Historical
Rating70% 3.5421153.5421153.5421153.5421153.542115

If I Were King is a 1938 American biographical historical drama film starring Ronald Colman as medieval poet François Villon, and featuring Basil Rathbone and Frances Dee. It is based on the 1901 play and novel, both of the same name, by Justin Huntly McCarthy, and was directed by Frank Lloyd, with a screenplay adaptation by Preston Sturges.


King Louis XI of France (Basil Rathbone) is in desperate straits. He is besieged in Paris by the Burgundians and suspects that there is a traitor in his court. He goes in disguise to a tavern to see who accepts a message from the enemy. While there, he is amused by the antics of poet François Villon (Ronald Colman), who has stolen food from the royal storehouse. The rascal criticizes the king and brags about how much better he would do if he were in Louis' place.


Ronald Colman

(François Villon)
Basil Rathbone

(King Louis XI)
Frances Dee

(Katherine de Vaucelles)
Ellen Drew

C.V. France

(Father Villon)
Trailer of If I Were King

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