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What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City is a american film of genre Erotic directed by Edwin S. Porter released in USA on 21 august 1901 with Alfred C. Abadie

What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City (1901)

What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City
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Released in USA 21 august 1901
Length 1minutes
Genres Erotic,    Comedy,    Documentary
Rating57% 2.8942652.8942652.8942652.8942652.894265

What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City is a 1901 American short film depicting a woman walking over a grate, the hot air lifting her skirt.

On The Library of Congress's webpage, Rosemary Hanes and Brian Taves compared the sequence to the iconic image of Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch, writing "With The Seven Year Itch (1955, FGB 0012-0023), the image of Marilyn Monroe's thighs exposed under her billowing skirt entered American popular culture. The Library's motion picture and broadcasting collections provide the opportunity to document not only how women's roles and their depictions have changed throughout the past hundred years, but also how much has remained the same."

Tom Gunning makes another observation, contrasting the two events as narrative devices writing "The act of display [in What Happened...] is both climax and resolution here and does not lead to a series of incidents or the creation of characters with discernible traits. While the similar lifting of Marilyn Monroe's skirt in The Seven Year Itch also provides a moment of spectacle, it simultaneously creates character traits that explain later narrative actions.


« La caméra, plantée sur un trottoir de New York, filme le va-et-vient des piétons. Le spectateur se demande ce qu’elle guette. Un gamin, posté un peu plus loin, se pose apparemment la même question en espionnant à son tour la caméra. Rien de notable ne se passe, une dame se dirige vers nous, bifurque et traverse, un homme hésite et file, le temps passe… Qui attend-on ainsi, ou quoi ? Enfin, notre curiosité reçoit sa récompense. Au loin, dans la profondeur de champ, un couple jeune et bien mis s’avance. Nous les distinguons des autres passants parce qu’ils ne semblent pas vaquer à leur travail, selon toute apparence, ils sont heureux de vivre et de marcher ensemble. Maintenant, ils passent au-dessus de la bouche d’aération du métro que nous remarquons enfin à quelques mètres de la caméra. Sous le puissant souffle souterrain, la robe de la jeune femme se soulève alors et découvre les mollets et les genoux avant d’être rabattue prestement. » La jeune femme éclate de rire et le couple effectue une sortie de champ.


Source : Wikidata


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