Window Horses is an upcoming animated feature film that will be written and directed by Ann Marie Fleming, who is basing the work on her graphic novel Window Horses: The Poetic Epiphany of Rosie Ming. Funding for the film is being raised through an IndieGoGo campaign and actors Sandra Oh, Nancy Kwan, and Shohreh Aghdashloo have been announced as attached to the project.
^ "Sandra Oh: Diverse casting should be the new normal". Q (CBC Radio). 17 October 2014. Retrieved 28 October 2014.
^ Vlessing, Etan. "Sandra Oh Launches Indiegogo Campaign to Finance Animated Feature (Exclusive)". Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 6 November 2014.Synopsis
The story follows Rosie Ming (Sandra Oh), a young Canadian poet of mixed descent that grew up believing that her father abandoned her. She's been invited to perform her poetry at a festival in Iran, where she finds that what she'd been told as a child may not necessarily be the entire truth.