Winds of the Wasteland is a 1936 Western film, starring John Wayne and Phyllis Fraser. The film was directed by Mack V. Wright, and was released by Republic Pictures. The rights on this movie haven't been renewed, so this movie is legally free to watch on various internet sites, and sometimes features a colorized version under the title Stagecoach Run.Synopsis
The film is set in 1861. John Blair (John Wayne) and his partner, Larry Adams (Lane Chandler) are dismayed when the arrival of telegraph ends the Pony Express. Hoping to utilize their horse-riding skills, they decide to start a stage coach transportation business. They go to Buchanan City and ask local magnate Cal Drake (Douglas Cosgrove) if he is willing to sell them a stage coach. Instead, Drake offers them a franchise from his own stage coach line - a line out to bustling Crescent City.