Wonderland is a 1999 drama film about the lives of a London couple, their three adult daughters and absent son. Directed by Michael Winterbottom, the film stars Jack Shepherd, Kika Markham, Shirley Henderson, Gina McKee, Molly Parker, John Simm, and Stuart Townsend. The film was entered into the 1999 Cannes Film Festival.Synopsis
The film follows the lives of three London sisters and their family over five days, a long Guy Fawkes Night weekend in November. Waitress Nadia (McKee), "shy, with a backpack and her hair in girlish twists", spends all her time going on blind dates with rubbish men from personal ads, while her hairdresser sister Debbie (Henderson) struggles to raise her 11-year-old son without much help from his irresponsible father (Hart). Meanwhile, Molly (Parker) is pregnant but her husband Eddie (Simm) has left his job without telling her.