Zombie Women of Satan is a 2009 British horror comedy film directed by Steve O'Brien and Warren Speed, written by Warren Speed with contributions from Seymour Mace and O'Brien, and starring Speed, Victoria Hopkins, and Christian Steel. A group of circus freaks must combat zombies and cultists while trying to rescue a captive.Synopsis
Johnny Hellfire, Pervo the Clown, Zeus the midget, and Damage the strongman are a circus freak troupe on a promotional tour along with a goth group fronted by Skye Brannigan, whose sister Rachel has gone missing. Along the way, they appear on a show hosted by Tycho Zander, who also happens to lead a sex cult. Tycho's father Harry accidentally transforms the women in Tycho's cult into zombies, and they attack. The circus freaks must stop the zombies, rescue Skye's sister, and confront Tycho.