A man is standing in a subway car, his face dirty with soot. In his right hand he carries a plastic bag with documents, or rather, the charred leftovers of them. In a corridor a man is clinging desperately to the legs of the boss who just fired him. He is screaming: "I've been here for thirty years!" In a coffee shop someone is waiting for his father, who just burned his furniture company for insurance money. Traffic jams and self-flagellating stock brokers are filling up the streets while an economist, desperate for a solution to the problem of work becoming too expensive, gazes into the crystal ball of a scryer. Everything and everyone is going somewhere but their goal and its meaning have disappeared along the way.
Le film traite de l'expérience de Mads Brügger, qui achète une accréditation diplomatique libérienne auprès de la République centrafricaine afin de faire du trafic de diamants, tout en prétextant vouloir créer une usine d'allumettes : ce faisant, il dévoile la corruption qui lie le courtage du titre de diplomate et les diamants de conflits.
Despite his physique, Dennis (Kim Kold), a thirty-eight-year-old Danish bodybuilder, has never had a girlfriend and lives with his elderly mother, Ingrid (Elsebeth Steentoft), in a small town outside Copenhagen. On arriving home from a date gone south, Dennis undergoes his mother's interrogation on his whereabouts. He fabricates a story about going to the movies which hints at a possessiveness on her part that makes it difficult for him to form relationships. Things appear even more bleak when his uncle, Bent (Allan Mogensen), marries a younger woman from Thailand, making Dennis feel even more hopeless about his situation.
L'intrigue commence à Bornholm au Danemark. Trois enfants, passionnés par les grands mythes, se lancent à la recherche d'un trésor ayant appartenu aux Templiers et disparu depuis le XIV siècle.
A seemingly anti-bourgeois group of adults spend their time seeking their "inner idiot" to release their inhibitions. They do so by behaving in public as if they were developmentally disabled. The Idiots is not concerned with actual disability, or with distinguishing between mental retardation and physical impairment.
The authorities demand much control over the performance of the theatre troupe, and try to use it for propaganda purposes. The film crew plays along, but among themselves and in the voice-over they are critical of the regime.
Putin's Kiss presents, through interviews and archival footage, Masha Drokova's experiences in Russian youth organisation Nashi, which declares itself to be a democratic, anti-fascist, anti-'oligarchic-capitalist' movement. From the age of 15 through to 19 she is heavily involved in the organisation, working her way up into a position of influence and authority, eventually becoming the host of a youth oriented, state funded television program. She idolises Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the film's title refers in an incident in which, while receiving a medal from him, Drokova spontaneously hugged and kissed him.
Christian, un vendeur de vin, part à Buenos Aires durant le Superclásico afin de tenter de reconquérir sa femme, qui l'a quitté pour un célèbre footballeur.
En 1951, à Copenhague, l'inspecteur Olsen est chargé d'enquêter sur une étrange affaire. Lors d'un braquage, avant de fuir, un jeune homme, Palle Hardrup, a abattu deux personnes. Alors qu'il déclare avoir agi seul, des témoins affirment qu'il semblait en transe au moment des faits.
Un couple et leurs cinq enfants : Amélie, Jan, Michael, Pauline et « Blop » visitent un zoo « l'arche de Noé ». Ce zoo a installé une clinique vétérinaire dans une réserve en Afrique, pour lutter contre le braconnage, soigner des animaux blessés et sauver ceux menacés d'extinction. Le zoo propose de participer à un tirage au sort pour gagner un voyage et un séjour dans le parc en Afrique. Amélie remplit les billets de participation. Les parents ne pouvant pas participer à ce voyage à cause de leur travail, lui disent de jeter les billets. Un des tickets tombe à côté de la poubelle. Un éboueur le ramasse.
Alex reçoit une poupée ninja en cadeau par son oncle. La poupée est différente, elle peut bouger et parler. Très vite, elle utilise sa voix dans le but de se faire passer pour Alex et lui attirer des ennuis. Ils passent alors un marché : la poupée aide Alex à devenir populaire et à séduire une camarade de classe tandis qu'Alex promet d'aider la poupée à venger la mort de l'enfant qui l'a conçue dans une usine asiatique.