L'histoire de Marie Duplessis, courtisane aimée par Alexandre Dumas fils qui la nommera Marguerite Gautier dans son roman. Après sa montée à Paris, elle devient prostituée puis courtisane. Bien qu'elle soit mariée, elle aura Dumas fils pour amant avant de le quitter pour Franz Liszt et de mourir de la tuberculose.
Opposé à une société qui condamne les siens à l'errance et à la misère, le Gitan pille et vole par révolte autant que par nécessité. Le hasard met plusieurs fois sur sa route un perceur de coffres nommé Yan Kuq.
Rodolphe de Sombreuil et sa maîtresse Irène occupent une place marquante dans la haute société sous le règne de Louis-Philippe. D'une grande droiture, Rodolphe, responsable de la mort d'un ouvrier, veut aider sa veuve qui recherche Fleur de Marie, son enfant disparue mystérieusement. Rodolphe met tout en œuvre pour retrouver la jeune fille, s'aventure dans les bas-fonds et parvient à ses fins. Irène en prend ombrage et se confie au baron de Lansignac, ennemi juré de Rodolphe. Coups fourrés, attentats, assassinats se succèdent et une lutte à mort s'engage entre les deux hommes. L'honneur et l'amour triompheront.
In the 18th century, Louis Dominique Bourguignon is working with Malichot's gang, but their ways are too 'unethical' for him. He hides out from Malichot and joins the army, where he and his two new friends survive by hiding out on the battlefield. Together they rob the general of his gold. Fleeing, they stop at an inn where they meet Venus, a beautiful gypsy who has been taken prisoner. He rescues her and she joins his gang. Returning to Paris, de Bourguignon creates his own band, acting under the name of Cartouche, and most of Malichot's gang join him. They make audacious robberies of the rich people, and distribute the takings with the poor. Thus, Cartouche attracts the people's sympathies, Venus's love, and hate from the Police and Malichot. Malichot goes to the police to betray Cartouche, but Cartouche can escape all the traps they set at him - except the entrapments of love. Eventually, the police use this against him and set a trap while he has a tryst with Venus in the countryside. He is captured, but his men ambush the guards as they lead him away. In the scuffle that follows, Cartouche is saved by Venus, who sacrifices her life to save him from harm. Cartouche and his men place Venus's body in an expensive carriage they stole earlier from a nobleman and roll the carriage in a lake. As the carriage slowly sinks Cartouche tells his men to disperse as he vows to avenge the death of his beloved Venus - a way that he anticipates will lead him sooner or later to the gallows.
The plot is set in New York City over three days in the lives of 10 different characters who interact with each other in various sexual encounters which follows from one character to the next.
Lucy is a journalist who is dumped by her "perfect" boyfriend and then goes on a series of dates with five different men—Doug, an entomologist; Gabriel, a playwright; Bobby, a baseball player; Barry, a computer store owner; and Luke, a doctor. She acts differently around each of the men—she is drunk on her date with Doug; she uncharacteristically jumps into bed with Gabriel; she is, at first, irritated with but then moved by ex-baseball star Bobby; her date with Barry gets off to a rough start, but then while on their date, they run into her parents and end up having dinner with them; and her date with Luke is sidetracked when they see a colleague of Luke's who is with his daughter, Eve, who appears to have her own eye on Luke.
François est un chômeur passionné de violon. Il voudrait devenir violoncelliste mais son rêve est inaccessible. Comme tous les autres parisiens sans emploi et pour en trouver un, il doit se rendre perpétuellement à l'ANPE. Lors d'un jour de pointage, il y rencontre Isabelle, également à la recherche d'un métier. Ils se lient très vite et partagent le même dégoût pour les fonctionnaires de l'agence qui ne cessent de les rabaisser et de les humilier. Ils décident donc se venger d'eux. Leur vendetta est un succès lorsqu'ils cambriolent deux employés, Mussolini et Desterne, mais dérape lorsqu'un troisième, Tartuffe, meurt accidentellement lors d'un cambriolage. Surpris par François et Isabelle, il tombe dans le vide et se tue. Paniqués, ils sont obligés de s'enfuir.
The young American student Christina James (Jean Seberg) comes to Paris to live in the art scene. After six months in Paris, she meets sixteen-year-old Guy (Philippe Forquet) at an over-attended gallery showing and their romance develops. Later, she enjoys encounters with European men. Her Chicago-based history professor father Addison Powell cautions her about fleeting love. She abandons a long-time attachment to a British international journalist to marry the San Francisco, California surgeon Dr. John Haislip (James Leo Herlihy.