En Islande, Fúsi est un colosse timide de 43 ans qui vit toujours chez sa mère. Il partage sa vie monotone entre son travail de bagagiste à l'aéroport et ses jeux d'adolescent. À la sortie d'un cours de danse country auquel il n’a pas osé participer, il rencontre Sjöfn, une femme complexe et perturbée, qui va lui faire changer ses habitudes et le faire évoluer vers l'âge adulte.
Dans la campagne austère d'Islande, un village reculé vit de manière séculaire de l'élevage des moutons. Les paysans, qui constituent une communauté solidaire, aiment leurs moutons comme des enfants et organisent chaque année un concours de la plus belle bête. Gummi et Kiddi, deux frères célibataires âgés et hirsutes, qui vivent dans deux maisons voisines en s'ignorant et en se haïssant, ne se sont plus parlé depuis quarante ans. Malgré cette mésentente, ils gèrent chacun de leur côté, sans se parler, la ferme de leur père disparu, constituée de plusieurs centaines de moutons. Dans ce paysage où la vie et la tradition semblent immuables, une très mauvaise nouvelle tombe comme un couperet : certaines bêtes de la vallée, contaminées par l'importation d'ovins d'Angleterre, sont atteintes de la tremblante du mouton et les services sanitaires seront intransigeants et intraitables.
Gabriel, adolescent dégingandé islandais de seize ans, effectue un séjour linguistique de trois semaines à Manchester, où il rencontre Markus, adolescent islandais comme lui. Ce dernier est blond et masculin et semble très intéressé par les filles. Il se destine à devenir coiffeur à la rentrée. Après une nuit arrosée, ils s'embrassent et cela donne à Gabriel la chair de poule. Revenu à Reykjavik, Gabriel l'évite et préfère rester avec sa bande d'amis à sortir et à s'amuser et aussi à trop boire. Il est le confident de Stella dont il ne s'aperçoit pas qu'elle est amoureuse de lui et il est aussi ami avec Gréta à la recherche de son père qui ne l'a pas reconnue. Il conseille son copain Teddi - au caractère viril et séducteur - dans ses amours et sa relation avec Tara. Tous ces adolescents sont plus ou moins surveillés par leurs parents qui sont eux-mêmes en difficulté avec leur propre existence. Un drame va souder la petite bande d'amis et faire accepter à Gabriel sa nature intime.
In the summer of 1983, a twelve-year-old girl, Hera Karlsdottir, lives a normal life on her family farm in a close-knit community. This changes once she watches her older brother Baldur fall off a tractor before his long hair is scalped by its blades. He is rushed out by the family by truck for medical attention, but he dies of his injury. At his funeral, Hera glares at the portrait of Jesus on the wall and runs out of the church during the service. Returning home, she picks up her brother's guitar and immediately adopts his metal music and fashion, burning all of her old clothes.
Régina est une petite islandaise de onze ans qui souhaite ardemment partir en colonie de vacances. Hélas, sa mère ne veut rien savoir. Elle tente de gagner suffisamment d'argent avec l'aide de son ami Peter.
The Juniper Tree is set in Iceland and portrays the story of two sisters, Margit (Björk Guðmundsdóttir) and her elder sister Katla (Bryndis Petra Bragadóttir), who escape their home after their mother (Guðrún S. Gísladóttir) is stoned and burned for witchcraft. They go where no one knows them, and find Jóhann (Valdimar Örn Flygenring), a young widower who has a son called Jónas (Geirlaug Sunna Þormar). Katla uses magical powers to seduce Jóhann and they start living together. Margit and Jónas become friends. However, Jónas does not accept Katla as his stepmother and tries to convince his father to leave her. Katla's magic power is too strong and even though he knows he should leave her, he can't. Margit's mother appears to her in visions and Jónas' mother appears as a raven and to bring him a magical feather.
Kristofer est agent de sécurité. Auparavant employé sur un cargo (le Dettifoss), il en a été renvoyé après avoir été pris pour contrebande d'alcool sur le navire. En proie à des difficultés financières, il est contraint d'aider Arnor, le frère de sa compagne Iris, lui aussi marin, qui a dû avorter un passage illégal et qui est menacé par ses créanciers. Avec l'aide de son ami Steingrimur, et ex de sa compagne, Kristofer se lance dans un nouveau passage entre Rotterdam et Reykjavik.
Inga and Barði decide to get married in a church in the countryside. They hire one bus for each family and guests and a band to play in the party. Inga travels with her parents and brother; her best friend Lára that brings her senile grandmother and her flirt Egill; and her mother's mate Svanur that has also a secret affair with Lára. Barði travels with his parents and sister Auður; the gay cousin of his father and his mate; and his friends Síði that Inga Hates and Grjóni that arrives later. They get lost and while seeking the church, the tension increases and secrets are disclosed in the dysfunctional families and friends in the great day of Inga and Barði.
The film revolves around Hildur, a national celebrity and socialite who has to look for a job when her boyfriend Jolli is sent to prison. She finds a job at Astrópía, a store that sells role playing books and her immersion into geek culture changes her outlook on life.
Ottar Thor is the star player of the Icelandic football team KR (Reykjavík FC). He is a well liked player who causes a stir when he admits being gay to his team mates and then goes on a journey to discover himself (with the help of the local press). He soon finds himself on the bench for most of his team's matches and decides to call it quits with KR. He joins a small amateur team mainly made up of men like himself - gay guys trying to play soccer in a straight world.
The film centers on a character named Askur, who marries a woman named Embla in a pagan ceremony, enraging King Olaf, a Christian who seeks to root out paganism in Norway. Embla is captured, and as punishment, Askur is sent to Iceland with the task of converting the people there to Christianity in order to free Embla. The choice of names for the young married couple comes from Nordic mythology, in which the first two humans are named Ask and Embla.
A man becomes too old to run his farm and he is made unwelcome in his daughter and son-in-law's urban dwelling. Dumped in a home for the elderly, he meets an old girlfriend from his youth, and they elope to the wilds of Iceland to die together.
In the opening scene in Ireland, a young boy loses his parents in a Viking raid, but is spared in spite of the command of Thord, the Vikings' leader, to kill him. His sister is kidnapped by the Vikings. Twenty years later, the boy has become a man and travels to Iceland to seek revenge against the perpetrators and find his sister. His name is never revealed, and he is only known as "Gestur" by the characters in the film since he is a stranger to them. "Gestur" simply means "guest" but is also not an uncommon given name.