The film follows a man going through an acute existential crisis. He leaves Mexico City to go out to the country and prepare for his death, staying with an old Indian widow in her ramshackle home overlooking a desolate canyon. In the vastness of a wild and impressive nature, he confronts the infinite humanity of the widow and oscillates between cruelty and lyricism. His senses become dull, arousing his desires and instincts for sexuality and life.
Le film relate les aventures d'Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, un des premiers explorateurs espagnols, lors de sa traversée de ce qui allait devenir le sud-ouest des États-Unis et le Mexique, devenant un chaman.
Après avoir commis un hold-up, des gangsters tentent d'échapper à la police en prenant une famille en otage. Les bandits sont alors abattus les uns après les autres.
During a formal dinner party at the lavish mansion of Señor Edmundo Nobile and his wife, Lucia, the servants unaccountably leave their posts until only the major-domo is left. After dinner the guests adjourn to the music room, where one of the women, Blanca, plays a piano sonata. Later, when they might normally be expected to return home, the guests unaccountably remove their jackets, loosen their gowns, and settle down for the night on couches, chairs and the floor.
Luis Procuna est un grand matador mexicain. Il souhaite se retirer et vivre en toute quiétude auprès de son épouse. Mais le public exige qu'il remonte sur l'arène... Sur le chemin le menant au combat, le torero se souvient des instants passés et confie sa hantise de la mort.
Archibaldo de la Cruz (Alonso) is a wealthy Mexican man. As a privileged child during the Mexican Revolution, he witnessed the death of his governess, who died as she told him a fable about a music box that his mother had just given him. Because of the contents of the story and the coincidental timing of the governess's death, a young Archibaldo concludes that he had killed the woman using the music box. It is from there that his desire to kill begins.
At a Christmas party, María Méndez (Dolores del Río) learns that Magdalena Mendez, her rich twin sister, had a very comfortable lifestyle, so she kills Magdalena and assumes her identity and lifestyle. However, her life becomes complicated by her late sister's sleazy boyfriend (Víctor Junco) and Roberto Gonzalez (Agustín Irusta), who loved the "dead" María.
A young journalist presses an old artist (Alberto Galán) to show a portrait of a naked indigenous woman that he has in his study. The body of the movie is a flashback to Xochimilco, Mexico, in 1909. The film is set right before the Mexican Revolution, and Xochimilco is an area with beautiful landscapes inhabited mostly by indigenous people.
The film starts with a naked figure sitting in a tree in what looks like a mental asylum. Nurses come out to him, bringing a plate of conventional food and also one of a raw fish. As they try to coax him off of his perch, it is the fish that persuades him to come down. As the nurses get him to put on some overalls, the viewer sees that he has a tattoo of phoenix on his chest.