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Films from the country "ukraine", sorted by revenue

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The Guide
The Guide (2014)
, 2h2
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, Historical

Soviet Ukraine, 1930s. American engineer Michael Shamrock arrives in Kharkiv with his ten-year-old son, Peter to help "build socialism". He falls in love with an actress Olga who has another admirer, Commissar Vladimir.
The Tribe
The Tribe (2014)
, 2h10
Directed by Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes L'adolescence, Films about education, Films about children, Feminist films, Pregnancy films, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Films about disabilities, Political films, Erotic thriller films, Sign-language films, Films about language and translation

A young shy boy arrives at a boarding school for the deaf. There he tries to find his place in the hierarchy of the school community, which operates like a Mafiosi group ruled by the King.
Servant Of The People 2
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, Comedy

Le président Vassile Goloborodko (Volodymyr Zelensky) est au pouvoir depuis six mois. La situation économique du pays s'est déteriorée,
Donbass (2018)
, 1h50
Directed by Sergei Loznitsa
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, War
Actors Boris Kamorzine, Valeriu Andriuţă, Gueorgui Deliev

Le film explore en plusieurs séquences la guerre hybride dans le Donbass entre l'Ukraine et la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk, soutenue par la Russie.
Eternal Homecoming, 1h54
Directed by Kira Mouratova
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Renata Litvinova, Oleg Tabakov, Alla Demidova, Sergei Makovetsky, Gueorgui Deliev

Un étudiant est déchiré entre sa femme et sa maîtresse, qu'il aime toutes deux sincèrement.
Blue Dress
Blue Dress (2016)
, 1h24
Directed by Igor Minaiev, Igor Minaev
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama
Actors Gabrielle Lazure

Alexandre, un jeune homme de 25 ans, se rend au cimetière pour déposer des fleurs sur la tombe de sa mère, morte soudainement il y un an jour pour jour. L’énigme de sa mort ne laisse pas Alexandre tranquille. Quand il vide son appartement il trouve les vielles bobines ainsi que le journal intime d’un réalisateur russe, dédié à sa mère. C’est ainsi qu’Alexandre découvre son passé. Elle avait joué dans un film de ce réalisateur. Ils s’aimaient. C’était une véritable histoire d’amour. Mais un jour il a rencontré une autre femme et quitté Anna. Elle est partie d’Odessa pour aller en Israël, puis au Canada, s’est mariée avec un Français et s’est installée à Paris.
Song of Songs, 1h15
Directed by Eva Neïman
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, Romance

Blockade (2006)

Directed by Sergei Loznitsa
Origin Ukraine
Genres War, Documentary, Historical
Themes Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films, Documentary films about World War II

La ville de Leningrad et le blocus pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Pas de mots. Pas de musique. Seuls les sons et les images en noir et blanc d'une ville mourante.
Maidan (2014)
, 2h10
Directed by Sergei Loznitsa
Origin Ukraine
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about politics, Political films

The follow explores and follows the protests and violence in Kiev's Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) which lead to the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych.
Chernobyl.3828, 30minutes
Origin Ukraine
Genres Documentary, Historical
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about nuclear technology, Documentary films about technology, Disaster films

Twenty-five years have passed since Valeriy Starodumov worked as a dosimeter scout in September 1986. Valeriy worked at the epicenter of the explosion, the reactor's operation area, which was the most radioactive part of the site. The protagonist, a direct participant in the operation, went to the roof himself and brought people there after a failed attempt to clear the area with robots. At the government level, it was decided to assign soldiers and cadets of military schools to the task of cleaning the roofs. Unique pictures of the events of 1986 are widely used in the film. "Chernobyl.3828" is dedicated to people who saved the world from the radioactive contamination at the cost of their health and life.