The movie is set in 1936 in Barcelona in the midst of the Spanish Revolution and Spanish Civil War. Militia women Pilar (Ana Belen) and Floren (Victoria Abril) are joined by former prostitute Charo (Loles Leon) and former nun Maria (Ariadna Gil). The film opens with scenes of working class militants demolishing and burning religious icons, as they shout "down with Capitalism!" and "long live the libertarian revolution!"
Composing the film's main narrative thread are several long, uninterrupted shots of The Rolling Stones in a sound studio, recording and rerecording various parts to "Sympathy for the Devil." The dissolution of Stone Brian Jones is vividly portrayed, and the chaos of 1968 is made clear when a line referring to the killing of John F. Kennedy is heard changed to the plural after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in June.
Un hold-up sanglant est commis le 15 avril 1920, dans le Massachusetts. Deux anarchistes d'origine italienne, Nicola Sacco et Bartolomeo Vanzetti sont arrêtés. Malgré le manque de preuves formelles, ils sont condamnés à mort et envoyés à la chaise électrique.
Buenos Aires, janvier 1923. Un inconnu (dans les faits l'anarchiste Kurt Wilckens) assassine le lieutenant-colonel Zavala (en réalité Héctor Benigno Varela).
Kopple initially intended to make a film about Kenzie, Miners for Democracy and the attempt to unseat Tony Boyle. When miners at the Brookside Mine in Harlan County, Kentucky went on strike in June 1972, Kopple went there to film the strike against Duke Power Company which the UMWA had helped to organize. The strike proved a more interesting subject, so Kopple switched the focus of her film.
Documentaire de Juan Gamero, F. Rios, Mariona Roca, Mitzi Kotnik, sur l'Espagne libertaire de 1936 dans lequel une trentaine d'anciens militants anarchistes témoignent de l'application concrète de l'anarchisme par plusieurs millions de personnes en Catalogne et en Aragon.
The documentary covers two cities, Montevideo and Buenos Aires, primarily in the 1920s and 1930s, and the men of action who migrated in from Spain, Germany, Russia and elsewhere during this time. These romantic gunmen committed their acts, not for personal gain but to fight against a regime they perceived as oppressive and repressive.
The film uses archived letters, speeches and documents to cover Bartolomeo Vanzetti's arrival to the United States as an immigrant, his involvement with Nicola Sacco, and the events of his trial leading up to his execution in Massachusetts in 1927.