Une plongée dans l'ascension et la chute du gouverneur de New York Eliot Spitzer, comprenant des interviews avec le politicien, objet d'un scandale lié à sa relation avec des prostituées.
Narrated by Carl Colby, son of the late Director of Central Intelligence William E. Colby, The Man Nobody Knew traces the elder Colby's career in the U.S. intelligence community, along with and in contrast to his home life, including the secrets he kept from his family.
The film focuses on the career of Washington, D.C. lobbyist, businessman, and con man Jack Abramoff, who was involved in a massive corruption scandal that led to the conviction of himself, two Bush White House officials, Rep. Bob Ney, and nine other lobbyists and congressional staffers. Abramoff was convicted of fraud, conspiracy, and tax evasion in 2006 and of trading expensive gifts, meals and sports trips in exchange for political favors. As of December 2010 Abramoff has completed his prison sentence.
Film documentaire, 4 little girls revient sur l'attentat à la bombe dans une église afro-américaine qui, en 1963, tua quatre fillettes âgées de 11 à 14 ans.
Le film traite de la Révolution égyptienne de 2011 jusqu'à la revolution du 30 juin 2013 contre Mohamed Morsi, et notamment des manifestations s’étant déroulées Place Tahrir.
The film is constructed in three acts. The film opens with a montage. The first act concerns itself with Palin's experiences as the mayor of Wasilla. The second act is about Palin's half term as governor of Alaska. The third act, titled "From here, I can see November," revolves around her candidacy as vice-president and her rise to national prominence. It goes into detail how she became the darling of the Tea Party movement. The film ends with clips of the Madison rally where Palin challenged Republicans to: "Fight like a girl." The last shot is of Palin saying into the camera, "Mr.
There are five cameras — each with its own story. When his fourth son, Gibreel, is born in 2005, self-taught cameraman Emad Burnat, a Palestinian villager, gets his first camera. At the same time in his village of Bil’in, the Israelis begin bulldozing village olive groves to build a barrier to separate Bil'in from the Jewish Settlement Modi'in Illit. The barrier's route cuts off 60% of Bil'in farmland and the villagers resist this seizure of more of their land by the settlers.
Celsius 41.11 defends Bush against five of the arguments advanced by Fahrenheit 9/11 and additionally criticizes John Kerry, arguing that his opposition to the Vietnam war and his military service in that same war are contradictory positions. The opening images of the film are of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center on September 11. The film then moves to clips of the demonstrations against the war in Iraq, including an interview with an unnamed protester who says she would be happy to live under a dictatorship if the ruler provided universal health care. The next segment shows images of dead children.