With the background of Middle Eastern music, the film offers shots of century-old architecture and travels through Tehran, Isfahan and Shiraz. A broad range of Jewish Iranians are interviewed, from an old woman in a hospital to a bright computer science student.
Following the shooting of a film on the life of Jesus called This Is My Blood, Marie Palesi (Juliette Binoche), the actress who plays Mary Magdalene takes refuge in Jerusalem in search of the truth behind the story.
Laura, played by Fanny Valette, is a Jewish philosophy student who has put Kantian reasoning above all emotions, including love. In the film, Laura's interaction with Djamel, an Muslim coworker played by Hédi Tillette de Clermont-Tonerre, exposes how Laura struggles to live by her rationalist principles as she succumbs into her feelings for Djamel. However, as Laura admits to feeling affection for Djamel, she is upset when she learns that they cannot have a life on their own because Djamel cannot afford to confront his family. Western philosophy has also made Laura very skeptical of the teachings of the Torah, undermining her relationships with her Orthodox Jewish family. Her family consists of her mother, her sister Mathilde (Elsa Zylberstein), her devout brother in-law Ariel (Bruno Todeschini), and her young nieces and nephews.
Au lendemain du 11 septembre 2001, des voix se sont faites entendre, partout dans le monde, pour accuser les Juifs d’avoir commandité les attentats de New York et Washington… Une telle mystification n’est pas sans rappeler celle des tristement célèbres “Protocoles des Sages de Sion“, prêtant aux Juifs depuis plus d’un siècle l’intention de prendre le contrôle de la planète.
Frappé par le regain d’antisémitisme qui sévit dans son pays, Marc Levin part à la rencontre de tous ceux qui persistent à croire que les Juifs ont orchestré le 11 Septembre – et qui contribuent à faire “des Protocoles des Sages de Sion“ un best-seller. Son périple au cœur de la haine et de l’intolérance commence.