The plot revolves around a fictitious Onion television news anchorman, Norm Archer (Len Cariou), who is forced to face the inevitability of a corporate takeover by the Onion's perennial fictitious multinational, Global Tetrahedron. Onion news is described as "fair and balanced" in the context of the film. The plot serves as a springboard for various comedy sketches featuring The Onion's satirical humor. Vignettes include parodies of music videos reminiscent of Britney Spears' work, and Steven Seagal appearing as a parody of the type of action hero he normally portrays. The film is interrupted (fictitiously) by film reviewers and commentators weighing in on the progress of the film, with one commentator preparing to stage an immediate walkout of all African American audience members unless a positive portrayal of an African American is inserted into the film.
Tyler is obsessed with the film, considered being the scariest movie ever made, with the deranged serial-killer Babyface in the lead role. However, the director, Wilson Wyler Concannon, and the movie vanished many years ago and there is no known copy. When Tyler discovers that Concannon's daughter Alexa works in a night club, he decides to meet her and ask about the lost film. Tyler's obsession with the film causes him to neglect his girlfriend Serena. He visits Alexa, who works as a stripper, and asks her about the project. As she gives him a nude lap dance, the audience sees Serena cheating on Tyler with their best friend Lalo. After Tyler helps Alexa with her addiction to heroin, she tells him that the movie might be in her father's home in the woods.
Sous les apparences d'un documentaire sérieux mais avec beaucoup de clins d'œil au spectateur, le film raconte comment un dispositif électronique (une « aliénode ») placé dans les téléviseurs de marque Bronswik a entraîné une épidémie d'achats compulsifs. Il explique aussi l'enquête consécutive faite par les « trologues » pour démasquer la supercherie : une entreprise sans scrupules agissant dans le but de mousser les ventes d'entreprises clientes.
Jenny Yates (Anne Shirley) dreams of following in the profession of her deceased actor parents, but her grandfather, Uriah Lowell, with whom she lives, strongly disapproves. One day, the chatty young woman strikes up a conversation with struggling painter/actor Phil Greene, Jr. He is associated with a summer stock company trying out a revival of an old melodrama, Virtue's Reward, in Jenny's rural community before opening in New York City. Jenny is thrilled when he offers to give her a free ticket to that night's show, as her mother had acted in that very play.
A young woman with amnesia breaks out of a coffin in a funeral home, and dials 911 in the morgue, but accidentally unhooks the telephone while speaking to the operator. The mortician appears, and is impaled by a man equipped with a chrome skull mask, and a shoulder mounted camera. The girl stabs ChromeSkull in the eye, and runs off while he treats his wound. The girl is picked up by Tucker, who takes her home to his wife Cindy, and promises her that they will go to the sheriff's station in the morning, as Tucker's truck is low on gas, and their phone service has been cut off.
The film's opening explains that in 1994 a web series called Murder, which showed footage of actual deaths and acts of violence, appeared. After being active for four months, Murder was shut down by the authorities and all its content confiscated, though the host, a man simply known as Balan, evaded capture and identification. Now, years later, Balan has reemerged to show off more footage he has collected, and offer commentary on people's obsession with death, the effect it has on them, and how accessible new media has made it. The series of videos is kicked off by Balan stating, "I ask you all... Why are you watching? Are you trying to find reality? Do you feel the need to be shocked? To witness something that human eyes shouldn't see? Murder is reality. Death comes when you least expect it. With what you are about to observe, you may question your own integrity. You will ask, could this happen to me? My answer to you is... Yes it can.
The film begins with Detective Havenhurst driving with his partner Detective Vargas. They receive a call and drive to the scene of a murder. As they push their way through the crowd at the crime scene, they see Brad McCullam leaving with a coffee cup. Inside the house, the detectives find the body of Mrs. McCullam, Brad's mother, who has just been stabbed with an antique sword. At the scene are the neighbors and chief witnesses, Mrs. and Miss Roberts. The detectives soon realize that they had just seen the murderer leaving the scene.
Set three years before the first film, the action takes place in and around the Meadow View Inn, a small roadside motel in rural North Carolina. It opens with newlyweds driving and the bride wants to have sex in the car, which makes the groom stop. They are then stopped by a man, whose property they are on. The manager, Gordon (David Moscow), oversees an operation of using cameras within the motel to videotape the newlyweds having oral sex. Later, a serial killer (Scott G. Anderson), who checks into the motel as Smith brutally murders a woman he brought with him in one of the motel rooms. The horrified staff see the whole crime on videotape and then subdue the man. They, however, do not know what to do with him as they will endanger their operation if they call the police. Smith manages to convince Gordon and his staff to hire him to torture and murder the motel guests on videotape and then sell them as snuff films.
Le 6 juin 1994, une conversation privée de 8 minutes entre François Léotard (ministre de la Défense) et Étienne Mougeotte (directeur des programmes de TF1) est enregistrée avant une retransmission en direct d'un journal de télévision. Cette conversation montre clairement leur amicale complicité. La transmission de cette vidéo – jamais diffusée par TF1 – est piratée. Cette vidéo est alors revendue illégalement et Le Canard enchaîné et Entrevue en publient des extraits.
Refusant l'union de sa fille Brigitte avec un modeste travailleur, Mme Magnin invente un adultère à l'amoureux, puis présente Brigitte à un bon parti travaillant dans la célèbre émission de divertissement de la RTF 36 Chandelles. L'émission scellera finalement la réunion des deux jeunes amants séparés. L'argument est donc prétexte à un défilé de vedettes du music-hall de l'époque: Charles Trenet, Charles Aznavour, Georges Guétary, Juliette Gréco, Roger Pierre et Jean-Marc Thibault, Fernand Raynaud, Georges Ulmer, etc.
Michael Kael est le correspondant permanent à Paris d'une grande chaîne d'information américaine, la World News Company. Mais un jour, le patron de cette grande chaîne l'envoie en Afrique, afin de faire un reportage sur un festival de danse franco-africaine. Michael Kael se rend rapidement compte, ainsi que les autres journalistes, que ce festival n'est qu'un prétexte, et qu'il est le pion d'une énorme manipulation médiatique, dont l'objectif est politique. Mais son incapacité et son manque de talent, d'un point de vue journalistique, vont faire rater l'opération, car il déclenchera la panique dans des villes du monde entier, à l'approche de l'an 2000.
After showing 8 mm footage of a handcuffed woman being stabbed to death, the film switches to six friends who are driving through a desolate area when they find themselves being harassed by a truck driven by a man in a rabbit costume who refuses to communicate with, or show himself to, the travellers. He forces them to pull over and parks behind them. After an indeterminate length of time the costumed man drives away and kills a woman he was holding captive by ripping her in half with chains attached to his truck.
The film consists of a series of interviews conducted by William Shatner, who portrayed Captain James T. Kirk in the original Star Trek with the various other actors who have portrayed Star Trek Captains: Sir Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula and Chris Pine. The Captains delves into each actor's life and career leading up to their film or television performances. The film devotes attention to Shatner's own acting roots, tracking his journey from his beginnings at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and CBC Radio and CBC Television, to headlining Broadway shows, and eventually getting his break in Hollywood at the helm of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series.
The film follows real-time stories of actors, directors and cinema viewers in four different countries. In Tunisia, a documentary film director struggles to have his frank film about human sexuality be seen in their conservative culture. In India, a young actress struggles with the challenges of making a name for herself while dealing with racist barriers. And in Scotland, actress Tilda Swinton and filmmaker Mark Cousins, create a film festival that travels to audiences rather than having the audiences come to the festival. These stories jump back and forth as the narratives develop, interspersed with scenes from video stores, projection booths and homes of all kinds. Toward the end of film there are brief commentaries by Indian film director Sudhir Mishra and Chinese director Fruit Chan.
In 1933, as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis come to power in Germany, actor and comedian Hans Zeisig (Michael Herbig) and his partner, Siggi Meyer (Jürgen Vogel), have a successful comedy act at a Berlin cabaret doing impersonations of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Meyer is politically active in the Communist Party and through him, Zeisig meets the attractive Dutch Resistance fighter, Frida (Thekla Reuten). Zeisig is apolitical; he's dreaming about a career in Hollywood. He finds the growing political tension an unpleasant nuisance, but Meyer is endangered by the Nazis' power grab. He arrives one day at the theater with a black eye from an attack and says he is going to go underground. Another performer, a Nazi supporter who caricatures a Jewish man, makes a wisecrack about Meyer's black eye. They get into a backstage brawl, fully made up and in costume—the Nazi as a Jew and the Communist as Hitler. The fight careens its way from the dressing room to the stage, with "Hitler" on top of the "Jew". The audience, larded with uniformed Nazis, initially assumes it to be part of the show and cheers. When the melee ends, the show goes on, but Meyer flees.