In 2004, the puppets along with the formula are now in the ownership of Andre Toulon's great-grandnephew Robert Toulon and his daughter Alexandra. Robert and his daughter are both very brainy and very childlike and collect, fix and build dolls and puppets for a living. Ever since Robert inherited his great-grandfather's puppets he has been trying to create his own life force potion based on Toulon's diary entries using alcohol and blood (which according to Robert and Alex is sacred). One Christmas Eve, Alex and Robert finally figure out how to make the potion and bring the puppets to life. Toulon explains to the awakened puppets who he is and they are quick to accept their new master.
Le film raconte la bataille juridique entre Sam Houser, directeur de Rockstar Games et créateur de Grand Theft Auto, et l'avocat Jack Thompson au sujet de la violence du jeu vidéo.
Michel a perdu le doudou de sa fille à l’aéroport de Roissy. Il dépose un avis de recherche avec une récompense. Sofiane, employé à l’aéroport, y voit l’occasion de se faire un peu d’argent et prétend avoir retrouvé la peluche. Le mensonge révélé, Michel et Sofiane se lancent malgré tout sur les traces du doudou. Une mission plus compliquée que prévu...
Le jeune Fahim est contraint de fuir son pays natal, le Bangladesh, avec son père. Ils quittent ainsi le reste de la famille pour venir à Paris. Ils vont alors subir une longue attente pour obtenir l’asile politique. En situation irrégulière, ils sont menacés d'expulsion. Fahim va faire la rencontre de Sylvain, l’un des meilleurs entraîneurs d'échecs (personnage inspiré par Xavier Parmentier). Malgré un peu de méfiance, ils vont apprendre à se connaître et deviennent amis. Fahim souhaite participer au championnat de France mais la menace d’expulsion se fait de plus en plus pressante. Le jeune garçon n’a alors plus qu’une seule solution : devenir champion de France.
In 1776, a young Polish patriot, Boleslas Vorowski, is wounded in an abortive uprising against the Russian forces in Vilnius. A reward for his capture is offered but he is sheltered by Baron von Kempelen, an inventor of lifelike automata, who plans to smuggle Vorowski, a skilful chess-player, to Germany concealed inside a chess-playing automaton called The Turk. Major Nicolaïeff, a Russian rival of Vorowski, challenges The Turk to a game and is defeated, but he realises that the machine is being secretly operated by Vorowski. He arranges for The Turk to be sent to Moscow to entertain the Empress Catherine II. When The Turk refuses to allow Catherine to cheat, the Empress orders that the automaton is to be executed by firing squad at dawn. During a masked ball, von Kempelen replaces Vorowski inside The Turk, to enable him to escape with his lover Sophie. Nicolaïeff, who has been sent to search von Kempelen's house, is slain by the inventor's sabre-wielding automata.
The movie The Toy talks about a little boy that’s trying to prove his father wrong by acting exactly like him. His father “buys” people and nothing can stop him from getting what he wants. His son does not see why he cannot do the same and decides to buy a man, who he encountered at the toy shop. The man he chose happened to be a journalist at his father’s newspaper. Gradually with the help of his “toy” the boy manages to prove his father’s wrong deeds by exposing them in the newspaper produced by him and his “toy”. Along this journey the boy establishes warm relationships with the man and refuses to stay with his father any longer. The message behind the story is that love matters more than money.
In a college computer lab run by Professor Robert Kaufman, as he goes to check on his two students; Eric Staufer and Bill McLemore, a new creature - the Phantom Virus - comes out of a new game based on the Mystery Gang's past adventures and tries to scare away the game's creator Eric. The next day, Mystery, Inc. themselves come to the college and learn from their friend Eric, that the virus had assumed a lifelike form thanks to an experimental laser which is able to transmit objects into cyberspace, and is now rampant across the campus. The gang goes on the hunt for the Phantom Virus, where the virus chases Scooby and Shaggy through the college. Unfortunately, the whole gang, including the virus, somehow gets pulled into the game after 'someone' activates the laser. Left with no other choice, the gang fight their way through the ten levels of mystery and adventures to complete the game in order to escape it, with the goal of finding a box of Scooby Snax to complete each level. Their efforts are impeded on each level by the Phantom Virus. The first level is on the moon, the second is in the Roman Colosseum, the third is in the dinosaur age, the fourth is under the sea, the fifth is in a (shrunken) backyard, the sixth is ancient Japan, the seventh is in ancient Egypt, the eighth is in medieval times, and the ninth is in the North Pole.
In an old Hollywood mansion, the spirit of a butler inhabits a grandfather clock. When two teenagers decide to use the mansion (which once belonged to one of the teen's grandfather) for a film, they encounter the spirit frightening away a burglar. The other teen builds a mechanical body for the spirit to possess when next he appears. The butler provides the penurious teens and their leading lady, who lack the money to complete their film, with information leading them on a hunt in the mansion's dank, dark basement. There, if they dare, they will find a million-dollar fortune and the key to unraveling and righting the wrongs of an old family scandal.
Jeune boxeur et fleuriste, Chris Kronberger est fou amoureux de la médium Magda Berger. Mais, un soir, son compagnon magicien et ventriloque Hans est assassiné dans sa loge. Or, Chris est la dernière personne à l'avoir vu vivant, après avoir été surpris par ce dernier dans sa garde-robe. Il est aussitôt suspecté par la police mais il ne tarde pas à prendre la fuite. Chargé de l'enquête, l'inspecteur Kaufmann est secondé par Karin, la sœur du coupable idéal, qui refuse de croire en la culpabilité de son frère. Pourtant, le seul témoin du crime a mystérieusement disparu : il s'agit de Groog, l’effrayante poupée du ventriloque hypnotiseur assassiné.
Barbie, Skipper, Stacie et Chelsea se rende sur une île pour le concours de danse de Chelsea. Barbie en a profité pour organiser une surprise pour ses sœurs : un spectacle hippique dans un parc. Le seul véhicule à disposition est une voiturette de golf, ce qui les obligent à envoyer leurs bagages directement à l’hôtel tandis qu’elles partent, accompagnée des chiots.
Barbie aime plus que tout surfer sur sa planète natale verdoyante, où elle mène une vie paisible avec son père. Mais quand une prophétie annonçant que les étoiles s'arrêteront de danser et de maintenir l’harmonie de l’univers se réalise, elle est appelée à la capitale avec d’autres jeunes gens doués de talents particuliers. En effet, Barbie est une excellente surfeuse, en plus d’être télékinésiste, et a été choisie pour faire partie de l’expédition du Roi Constantine, qui s’est donné pour mission de refaire danser les étoiles.
Mewtwo, his heart having been softened by the selfless example of the human named Ash Ketchum back in his birthland in the eastern Kanto region, has now traveled to the western region of Johto in search of a location that is unreachable by the prying eyes and harsh judgments of humans for the sake of his band of cloned Pokémon, with whose welfare Mewtwo is solely concerned. He eventually finds the perfect hideaway: a huge mountain named Mt. Quena, surrounded by steep cliffs that are practically impossible to scale, but in its top is a forest and a freshwater lake that makes for a near-utopia for all the Bug Pokémon living there. This is a perfect fit for Mewtwo's band, so thus they settle in the top of Mt. Quena and begin a new, safe life, with Mewtwo watching over as their guardian, as he feels they cannot belong in the world as they were not born in it (Interestingly enough, he seems particularly close to the Pikachu and Meowth clones, possibly reflecting how important their templates were in his change of heart).
In 1980, an annual gathering of teams of idiosyncratic nerds compete in a nondescript California hotel to see which of their computer programs can best the others at computer chess. A grandmaster (Gerald Peary) presides as master of ceremonies with a videographer and microphone in tow. Clunky, primitive personal computers are carted from room to room. Bad haircuts, dorky shirts, “birth control glasses”, and other social impedimenta are ubiquitous. Bull sessions on the dystopian possibilities of artificial intelligence are pursued. The Pentagon's interest in the goings-on is intimated. The only female geek (Robin Schwartz) in attendance is repeatedly hailed and “welcomed” by the MC.
Upon returning home from an evening spent losing at poker, George Brown swears off gambling forever. However, his friend Bigelow convinces him to secretly continue attending the weekly poker game and to tell his wife Mary that he has been admitted to the Sons of the Morning, a fraternal lodge, to explain his absences. When George talks in his sleep, she becomes suspicious and has her cousin Freddie Dewdrop follow him, allowing her to learn the truth. Together with the wives of the other poker players, she enacts a plan to end the gambling. Freddie and the members of his Bible study group dress up as police officers and raid the game. The gamblers' wives then arrive, and the police leave the men to be scolded, purportedly in place of being arrested. As the film ends, the Browns reconcile.
Barbie, Skipper, Stacie et Chelsea vont rendre visite à Ken qui fait un stage à la plage dans un laboratoire étudiant les créatures marines. Dans la région vivent des dauphins « pierre précieuse », considérés comme légendaires, jusqu’à ce que l’un d’entre eux soit capturé par le laboratoire. Lors d’une visite au bassin où se trouve Emeraude, le dauphin vert, Barbie surprend une curieuse jeune fille qui tient des propos étranges, Isla, tentant de libérer le dauphin.