Misha, une petite fille juive de 8 ans, parcourt l'Europe nazie à la recherche de ses parents. Son père et sa mère viennent d'être déportés. Elle ne sait qu'une seule chose : ils sont à l'est. À l'aide d'une simple petite boussole, elle quitte sa Belgique natale et rejoint l'Ukraine à pied, traversant l'Allemagne et la Pologne, dans l'espoir de les retrouver. Pour survivre, elle vole de la nourriture et des vêtements, évite les hommes et leur violence, et intègre une meute de loups.
Several people are being interviewed in a police station, including high school senior Sue Snell (Kandyse McClure) and gym teacher Miss Desjardin (Rena Sofer). Detective John Mulchaey is investigating the disappearance of high school senior Carrie White (Angela Bettis).
Danny, 7 ans, est le souffre-douleur des enfants de son école et n'a pas beaucoup d'amis. Pour ses parents, il est certainement un enfant modèle, se proposant à réaliser toutes les corvées de la maison. Il est passionné de baseball et voudrait s'entraîner avec son père. Seulement, voilà : ce dernier part pratiquement tous les soirs à des dîners d'affaires, laissant Danny sous la garde de Janelle, une étudiante. Mais celle-ci ne pourra pas le garder durant un certain temps. C'est alors que Marco, le meilleur et seul ami de Danny, lui parle d'une "liste noire", qui liste les enfants que plus personne ne veut garder. Danny va alors devenir de plus en plus méchant, terrorisant baby-sitter sur baby-sitter.
Jane's two cousins, Eric and Rita, arrive in Africa to tell Jane about a fortune left to her back in their world and to try to convince her to return with them. They are led to Tarzan's escarpment home by Captain Fry (John Buckler), a hunter with an agenda of his own. Jane convinces Tarzan to let her go back with Eric and Rita, promising that their separation will only be temporary. But Captain Fry (unknown to the others) attempts to capture Tarzan to take him back to civilization so he can be put on public display, and actually succeeds in caging Tarzan. Fry's treachery includes making a deal with an unfriendly native tribe to give him food, canoes and protection for the journey back in exchange for his handing over Jane, Eric and Rita for "ju-ju" and taking away the greatest "ju-ju" – Tarzan. Fry's plan goes wrong when the natives capture Tarzan in his cage and all four white people are taken prisoner. Tarzan manages to escape with the help of elephants and Cheeta, and guides what's left of Fry's party through a cave passage filled with treacherous quicksands. Just before they exit the caves to safety, Tarzan forces Fry to go back the way they came as punishment for his betrayal. Fry starts to go back, then seizes a heavy branch to attack Tarzan, but before he can exit the cave he falls into a quicksand bog and is swallowed up. Rita and Eric tell Jane that it is not necessary for her to return with them and that she belongs with Tarzan. The film ends with Tarzan and Jane reunited at their treehouse.
An airplane crashes in the jungle, stranding passengers Gamage Dean (Yolande Donlan), Diana Penrod (Betta St. John), "Doodles" Fletcher (Wilfrid Hyde-White), Carl Kraski (George Coulouris), and Dick Penrod (Peter Arne). Before the plane slides into a gorge the group is rescued by Tarzan (Gordon Scott), who undertakes to lead them back to civilization. Diana is kidnapped by warriors from Opar under Chief Ogonooro (Orlando Martins). The Oparians desire the strangers as sacrifices for their lion god. She is recovered by Tarzan and hunter Tusker Hawkins (Robert Beatty), whose advances Diana rebuffs. Secretly, however, Hawkins is in league with the Oparians, and plans to sell the castaways to the natives for a fortune in ivory. Tarzan, rightly suspecting Hawkins' untrustworthiness, exposes his treachery. Now openly in league with the natives, the hunter helps them take the white party captive in Tarzan's absence. The ape man returns to save them before the sacrifice can take place, aided by his chimpanzee ally Cheeta, who sets fire to the native village. He then leads them to the safety of a nearby settlement. Hawkins meets his fate at the hands of the Oparians, to whom Tarzan has signaled his double-dealing by a creative use of jungle drums.
La vie de pauvres gosses d'un bidonville de Buenos Aires. De parents chômeurs, le vol est leur seul moyen de survie. Mais, ils agissent dans un univers hostile et dangereux : deux d'entre eux vendent une statue volée au gardien d'un cimetière qui les escroque. Ce dernier, moyennant argent, autorise, d'autre part, un couple d'adolescents amoureux à pénétrer, de nuit, dans les jardins du cimetière. Là, le garçon est battu et la fille violée par des employés. Le petit garçon Bolita, livré à lui-même, est dévoré par un cochon. Ses frères, ne le voyant pas revenir, s'en prennent au fils du directeur des pompes funèbres, censé être à l'origine de sa disparition, et finissent par le tuer.
Alfie, un petit garçon adopté âgé 6 ans, est solitaire et timide. Il compte pour seul compagnon Timmie, son frère adoptif. Lors de la nuit de son septième anniversaire, Alfie se change en loup-garou et craint que ses parents adoptifs le rejettent. Grâce à son pouvoir, il compte se venger de Nico, son principal bourreaux, mais aussi se renseigner sur ses vrais parents. C'est alors qu'il rencontre son grand-père qui est aussi un loup-garou.
Marcos, âgé de 7 ans, et son grand frère sont bergers pour aider leurs parents, métayers d'un riche propriétaire dans la région des montagnes espagnoles de la Sierra Morena. Une attaque de loups provoque la mort de 5 chèvres. Déjà très endetté, le père de Marcos craint d'être chassé de son emploi et de sa maison, il résout le problème en donnant son jeune fils au patron, ce dernier l'envoie comme aide berger dans une partie très reculée de la montagne où Atanasio, un vieux berger solitaire vivant dans une grotte s'occupe d'un troupeau.
The Bantons (father, Abel (John Carradine) and four sons, Coy (Jock Mahoney), Ethan (Ron McDonnell), Johnny (Gary Cockrell) and Martin (Al Mulock)) rob a pay office in a settlement, killing some people. Coy Banton is tracked down to their camp and taken away by a policeman, Wyntors (John Sullivan). Taking him back to town, Wyntors is killed as two of the brothers seek to rescue Coy. Tarzan appears and kills Ethan Banton. The other brother escapes. Tarzan decides to take Coy to Kairobi for the $5000 reward so he can give it to Wyntors' widow. However, no one in the town of Mantu (same town as beginning of Tarzan's Greatest Adventure) wants to help him. The boat he is waiting for to take him and his prisoner to Kairobi is ambushed by the Bantons, who send the passengers off and destroy the boat.
A montage of documentary footage depicts the effect of war on children. This mondo imagery cuts to the story of an English couple, Tom and Evelyn, who are taking a vacation before Evelyn gives birth to their third child. They arrive on an island where they encounter grim-faced, silent children who seem to be the island's entire population. Throughout their stay, they witness the children behaving strangely. They later learn the children are capable of violence and have murdered just about every adult on the island; they are now forced to consider killing the children in self-defense. It is implied that the long list of atrocities and horrors brought upon children by the fighting and apathy of adults has caused the children of the island to take matters into their own hands. Also, it is shown that normal children are changed like the rest on the island merely by making eye contact with them.
In 1975, 13-year-old Christiane Felscherinow lives with her mother and little sister in a small apartment in a typical multi-story concrete social-housing building in a dull neighbourhood in the outskirts of West Berlin. She's sick and tired of living there and has a passion for singer David Bowie. She hears of Sound, a new disco in the city centre, labelled as the most modern discothèque in Europe. Although she's legally too young to go there, she dresses up in high heels, wears makeup, and asks a friend from school, who hangs out there regularly, to take her, too. At the disco, she meets Detlef, who is a little older and is in a clique where everybody experiments with various drugs. At first she takes pills and LSD, and goes to a David Bowie concert in which she meets Babsi, a girl of her same age and tendencies, and tries heroin for the first time by snorting it. But soon after Christiane falls in love with Detlef, and in order to be closer to him begins using heroin on a regular basis, gradually delving deeper into the drug and ending up as a full-blown addict. After her 14th birthday her time at home is replaced with time spent at her cohorts' unkempt apartment, she is also drawn to the seedy Bahnhof Zoo scene, a large railway and subway station notorious for the drug and sex trade in its underpasses and backalleys. There she also begins prostituting herself, with handjobs at first, imitating her boyfriend who also sells himself to homosexual clients on a regular basis. She steals at home, too, sells all her possessions, and debases herself to abysmal levels. In one of the crudest scenes, Christiane is jumped in a filthy, blood- and urine-soaked cubicle by an older junkie who forces her to surrender her loaded syringe and proceeds to inject himself with it right in the neck in front of a terrorised elder woman who happens to be in the lavatories too.
Un accident de camion permet à des abeilles tueuses de s'échapper. Ces dernières vont alors attaquer une ville. Le shérif va tenter de mobiliser les gens mais personne ne veut le croire sauf une femme, experte dans le domaine...
L'histoire s'inspire de l'affaire Xavier Fortin où, après une séparation douloureuse avec sa compagne, un père de famille se cache pendant onze ans avec ses deux fils. Ils mènent ensemble une vie de marginaux, proche de la nature et refusant les structures sociales habituelles. Le père est finalement arrêté et condamné pour avoir enlevé les enfants à leur mère. Le réalisateur évite cependant de prendre parti.
Jamie Benjamin is a misfit 12-year-old boy, whipping boy of his classmates, of the other kids of the city, and of the grandmothers who live in his small town. When he encounters other people, they tease and ridicule him. His only friend is a stuffed bear named Teddy, with whom he regularly holds conversations. The audience hears Teddy's voice as he talks to Jamie.
Roland, un jeune délinquant de 16 ans, arrive dans un centre de redressement au moment où un chahut de réfectoire dégénère en révolte générale. Un petit groupe, composé d'une quinzaine de garçons et d'une fille, en profite pour voler la fourgonnette du centre et part faire une virée échevelée. En chemin, les adolescents s'arrêtent dans un village où se déroule un bal populaire mais, à la fin de la soirée, la confrontation entre les jeunes et le barman qui les accuse de ne pas payer leurs consommations dégénère, il sort un fusil et tient des propos racistes envers deux des garçons maghrébins. Un coup part, un garçon est touché et le barman est ensuite poignardé. Les garçons récupèrent le fusil et un autre un homme est tué. Les jeunes s'enfuient dans la fourgonnette, poursuivis par les villageois. Au cours de la poursuite, ils envoient une bouteille de gaz contre leurs poursuivants, elle explose et deux voitures flambent, faisant encore quatre morts. Paniqués, les fuyards finissent dans le fossé et partent en courant dans la campagne.