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Agnes Esterhazy is a Actor Autrichienne born on 15 january 1891 at Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie)

Agnes Esterhazy

Agnes Esterhazy
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Nationality Austria
Birth 15 january 1891 at Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie)
Death 4 april 1956 (at 65 years) at Munich (German)

Ágnes Esterházy (21 January 1898 – 4 November 1956) was a Hungarian film actress, who worked mainly in Austria. She appeared in 30 films between 1923 and 1943. She was born in Kolozsvár (German: Klausenburg), Austria-Hungary (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and died in Budapest, Hungary.

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Filmography of Agnes Esterhazy (12 films)

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Love (1928)
, 1h47
Directed by Paul Czinner
Origin Autriche-hongrie
Genres Drama
Actors Elisabeth Bergner, Agnes Esterhazy, Hans Rehmann, Olga Engl, Paul Otto, Leopold von Ledebur
Roles Gräfin Serezy (as Agnes Esterhazy)
Rating60% 3.0425553.0425553.0425553.0425553.042555
Grande coquette et séductrice, la duchesse de Langeais repousse les avances d'Armand de Montriveau, puis elle s'éprend de lui, mais il la repousse à son tour. Elle s'enfuit alors et se cache dans un couvent. Montriveau part à sa recherche.
The Student of Prague, 1h31
Directed by Henrik Galeen
Origin German
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Actors Conrad Veidt, Fritz Alberti, Werner Krauss, Agnes Esterhazy, Elizza La Porta, Ferdinand von Alten
Roles Comtesse Margit, seine Tochter
Rating68% 3.4381653.4381653.4381653.4381653.438165
The film is set in the year 1820 and centers around a student at a university in Prague, Balduin. At a student-led outing to a country inn, Balduin encounters the figure Scapinelli who offers him money "for very low interest." Balduin believes him to be a loan shark and ignores him to go engage in a fencing match with another student. After the match, the viewer sees Scapinelli on a cliffside, watching a young woman (later revealed to be Margit, the daughter of a count) on horseback who is participating in a fox-hunt. He manipulates the situation such that the animals run amok and head towards the inn. Balduin sees Margit on the horse and catches her when she falls off. As a reward, he receives an invitation to her father's house, Count Schwartzenberg. There he becomes aware of his own poverty in comparison to Margit's fiance, who is a baron. Later that night, Scapinelli again comes for Balduin and makes an offer. Balduin signs a contract stipulating that Scapinelli can have anything in the room he wants in return for 600,000 florin. Balduin signs and Scapinelli takes out a small bag and proceeds to pour the entirety of the 600,000 onto the table. Scapinelli then takes his part: Balduin's reflection.
Joyless Street, 2h25
Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Origin German
Genres Drama, Melodrama
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Greta Garbo, Werner Krauss, Asta Nielsen, Jaro Fürth, Agnes Esterhazy, Loni Nest
Roles Regine
Rating70% 3.542193.542193.542193.542193.54219
In 1921 in a street called Melchiorgasse in the poor part of Vienna, Austria, there are only two wealthy people: the butcher Josef Geiringer and Mrs. Greifer, who runs a fashion boutique and a nightclub, patronized by wealthy Viennese. Annexed to the nightclub is Merkl Hotel, a brothel to which the women of the nightclub bring their clients. The film follows the lives of two women from the same poor neighborhood, as they try to better themselves during the period of Austrian postwar hyperinflation. They are Marie, who becomes a prostitute, and Grete, who at the last moment, is saved from that fate.
Young Medardus, 1h16
Directed by Michael Curtiz
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Agnes Esterhazy, Karel Lamač, Victor Varconi, Egon von Jordan, Gyula Szöreghy
Roles Helene
Rating48% 2.4136152.4136152.4136152.4136152.413615
En 1809, alors que Napoléon est aux portes de Vienne, le duc de Valois, prétendant au trône de France et exilé en Autriche, complote contre l'Empereur "usurpateur". Le fils du duc, Franz, est amoureux d'Agathe Klähr et demande à son père le consentement au mariage que celui-ci lui refuse. Désespérés, les deux jeunes gens se suicident. Le frère d'Agathe, Medardus, séduit alors la fille du duc, Helene, voulant en faire l'instrument de sa vengeance contre la famille des Valois. Les troupes napoléoniennes entrent à Vienne, bientôt en flammes, et Helene incite Medardus à tuer Napoléon...