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Ana Caterina Morariu is a Actor Roumaine born on 20 november 1980 at Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie)

Ana Caterina Morariu

Ana Caterina Morariu
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Nationality Roumanie
Birth 20 november 1980 (43 years) at Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie)

Ana Caterina Morariu (born 20 November 1980) is a Romanian-born Italian actress.


Fille de la danseuse Marineta Rodica Rotaru installée en Italie, c'est là qu'elle étudie avant de suivre les cours du Centro sperimentale di cinematografia de Rome dont elle sort diplômée en 2002. Elle entame alors une carrière d'actrice qui la mène d'abord vers le théâtre, puis la télévision et le cinéma.

Elle est particulièrement connue en Italie pour son rôle récurrent dans la série Intelligence - Servizi & segreti et ses apparitions dans de nombreux téléfilms et courtes séries. Au cinéma, elle a notamment joué pour Carlo Verdone dans le film Il mio miglior nemico, sa performance lui valant une nomination au David di Donatello de la meilleure actrice principale.

En 2015, elle tient l'un des rôles principaux de la série italienne Tutto può succedere de Lucio Pellegrini , remake italien de la série américaine Parenthood elle-même inspirée par la comédie Portrait craché d'une famille modèle (Parenthood) réalisé par Ron Howard en 1989. Elle apparaît ensuite dans la deuxième puis la troisième saison de cette série.

En 2017, elle incarne la sœur disparue d'Anna Valle dans la série télévisée Sorelle de Cinzia TH Torrini.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ana Caterina Morariu (6 films)

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We Accept Miracles, 1h50
Directed by Alessandro Siani
Genres Comedy
Actors Fabio De Luigi, Serena Autieri, Alessandro Siani, Ana Caterina Morariu, Leo Gullotta, Giacomo Rizzo
Roles Chiara
Rating51% 2.55822.55822.55822.55822.5582
Fulvio arrives in a small town in Campania, because he is fired in the company where he worked. In country, Fulvio meets his brother, Don Germano, the pastor. Don Germano reveals Fulvio that the situation in the country is desperate, because it does not come as tourism, and because the citizens media are ancient. One day, while Don Germano is celebrating Mass, a loss of the ceiling of the chapel poures water on the face of the statue of St. Thomas Aquinas. An old female devout believes it is a miracle, because she sees the statue very sad. The news spreads, and so there create pilgrimages from all cities over Italy, cleverly exploited by Fulvio. However, the Vatican wants to see clearly on the matter .
Tailor Made Murder, 1h40
Directed by Lamberto Bava
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller
Actors Rob Estes, Ana Caterina Morariu, Paolo Seganti
Roles Lola
Rating53% 2.678232.678232.678232.678232.67823
Randy Williams, un auteur à succès, est soupçonné par la police d'avoir assassiné sa femme, Isabel. Pour les enquêteurs, les inspecteurs Cassar et Woods, tous les indices accusent Randy, même s'ils n'ont pas suffisamment d'éléments pour l'inculper. Au cours d'une séance de dédicaces de son dernier roman, Randy fait la connaissance d'une troublante jeune femme, Lola, ignorant qu'elle est chargée de l'attirer dans un piège. Mais contre toute attente, Lola, elle-même victime de ses commanditaires, rallie la cause de Randy et tombe amoureuse de lui. Ensemble, Randy et Lola et vont tout mettre en œuvre pour démasquer le vrai coupable. Plusieurs témoins gênants trouveront la mort au cours de leurs investigations.
Blood of the Losers, 1h50
Directed by Michele Soavi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Michele Placido, Barbora Bobulova, Andrea Rivera, Giovanna Ralli, Philippe Leroy, Stefano Dionisi
Roles Elisa
Rating56% 2.8304752.8304752.8304752.8304752.830475
Le film se déroule pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Le commissaire Francesco Dogliani doit mener une enquête sur l'homicide d'une femme et les mystères de sa sœur jumelle. En même temps, il doit assumer les difficultés et les contradictions de la Guerre dans une situation pleine de contrastes, puisqu'un de ses frères est un résistant et un autre est engagé dans l'armée de la République sociale italienne.
My Best Enemy
Directed by Carlo Verdone
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Carlo Verdone, Silvio Muccino, Ana Caterina Morariu, Agnese Nano
Roles Cecilia De Bellis
Rating60% 3.006393.006393.006393.006393.00639
Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide, 1h55
Directed by Marco Tullio Giordana
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about alcoholism, Films about children, Films about immigration, Seafaring films, Transport films, La précarité
Actors Alessio Boni, Michela Cescon, Adriana Asti, Ana Caterina Morariu
Rating66% 3.339033.339033.339033.339033.33903
A young Italian boy accidentally falls overboard while yachting with his father on the Mediterranean. He is rescued by a boatload of undocumented immigrants attempting to reach Italy by sailing across the Mediterranean. On the ship, he is befriended by a young Romanian man and his sister. The film follows the relationship of the Italian boy with the Romanian once they reach the Italian shores.
Ocean's Twelve, 2h5
Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Comedy thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Andy García, Don Cheadle
Roles Bruce Willis' Companion
Rating65% 3.250553.250553.250553.250553.25055
Terry Benedict (Andy García) locates all eleven members of Danny Ocean's (George Clooney) gang, demanding they return the $160 million they stole from his casinos plus $38 million interest. Short by half, the group schemes to stage another heist in Europe to avoid problems with United States authorities. They are tipped off by an informant named Matsui (Robbie Coltrane) about the location of the first stock certificate ever. After a complex series of schemes they find the document has already been stolen by "The Night Fox", another master thief. Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is called in to investigate the theft and realizes that her talking earlier about a particular burglary with Rusty (Brad Pitt) during their relationship, would have given Rusty the idea of how to solve the complication the gang would have come up against. Surprising the group at their accommodation, she warns them they cannot beat the Night Fox or his mentor, the mysterious master-thief "LeMarc", both of whom excel in practicing the "long-con". She has been hunting both for years.