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Axel Daeseleire is a Actor Belge born on 26 october 1968 at Ghent (Belgique)

Axel Daeseleire

Axel Daeseleire
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Nationality Belgique
Birth 26 october 1968 (55 years) at Ghent (Belgique)

Axel Dorothée Marc Daeseleire (born 26 October 1968) is a Belgian actor. He is best known for his portrayal of Jan Verplancke in Belgian television series Matroesjka's, and movies such as Team Spirit.

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Filmography of Axel Daeseleire (10 films)

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Gangsta (2018)
, 2h5
Directed by Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah
Origin Belgique
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action, Crime
Actors Gene Bervoets, François Beukelaers, Eric Corton, Axel Daeseleire, Vic De Wachter, Jeroen Perceval
Roles Stijn
Rating65% 3.253123.253123.253123.253123.25312
Anvers. Quatre amis d’enfance, fan de Scarface et petits dealers se rêvent en futurs parrains du crime organisé. Mais leur légende se transforme en cauchemar quand ils volent un chargement de cocaïne, déclenchant la guerre avec un baron de la drogue à Amsterdam et les cartels colombiens.
Admiral (2015)
, 2h31
Directed by Roel Reiné
Origin Pays-bas
Genres Drama, Biography, Action, Adventure, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Charles Dance, Rutger Hauer, Frank Lammers, Barry Atsma, Filip Peeters, Derek de Lint
Roles Constable of Michiel de Ruyter
Rating69% 3.4953153.4953153.4953153.4953153.495315
Les batailles navales contre l'Angleterre menées par l'amiral des Provinces-Unies Michiel de Ruyter.
Brasserie Romance, 1h44
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Koen De Bouw, Sara De Roo, Barbara Sarafian, Filip Peeters, Axel Daeseleire, Ruth Becquart
Roles Angelo
Rating60% 3.002453.002453.002453.002453.00245
Pascaline, la quarantaine, gère un restaurant et prépare l'élégante salle à manger pour la Saint-Valentin quand Frank, son amant d'il y a vingt ans réapparaît et lui demande de partir avec lui à Buenos Aires.
Groenten uit Balen, 1h50
Directed by Frank Van Mechelen
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Lucas Van den Eynde, Tiny Bertels, Koen De Bouw, Axel Daeseleire, Tom Dewispelaere, Warre Borgmans
Roles Marcel
Rating69% 3.4931853.4931853.4931853.4931853.493185
Groenten uit Balen is based upon real events which took place in the Belgian community Balen. In 1971 it turned out the workmen of Vieille Montagne in the other Belgian plants had a much higher salary for similar work. The workers in Balen wanted a raise. This led to a dispute between the workmen, the trade unions and the directors board. The 1500 workmen in Balen went on a strike, but this was not accepted by the trade unions. As a result, the workmen did not earn any money at all. The strike went on for 9 weeks. Many charity was set up by inhabitants of Mol and Balen. Jef Sleeckx, a politician, convinced the banks to cancel payments temporarily for affected workmen. Houselords did not ask rent during the strike. Shops gave food for free or gave the impacted workmen a temporary job. At the end, the directors board agreed and the workmen even got a higher wage than requested.
Stormforce (2006)

Directed by Hans Herbots
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Actors Kevin Janssens, Warre Borgmans, Axel Daeseleire, François Beukelaers, Vic De Wachter, Veerle Baetens
Rating59% 2.950322.950322.950322.950322.95032
Le haut commandement des armées belges organise une importante réception. C'est un moment important pour le général Cassiman dont l'efficacité est appréciée de tous. Mais un homme se comporte de façon déplacée et gâche la fête. Il s'agit de Rick Symons. Malgré ses excellents états de service, ce plongeur est sanctionné par sa hierarchie exaspérée. Muté sur la petite base de Coxyde, au sein de la 40e Escadrille, Rick se lie d'amitié avec l'équipage du «Seaking». Mais Rick découvre, amusé, que la belle Alex Breynaert, le médecin qu'il a outrageusement importuné lors de la réception, y travaille aussi. Mais l'arrivée à Coxyde est pour Rick l'occasion de se confronter à son passé. Un an et demi auparavant, son ami Koen a subi un dramatique accident de plongée. Rick se sent coupable.
Team Spirit, 1h45
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Axel Daeseleire, Peter Van Den Begin, Mathias Sercu, Vic De Wachter, Filip Peeters
Roles Franky Leemans
Rating60% 3.04953.04953.04953.04953.0495
Team Spirit présente la vie de footballeurs jouant dans une petite équipe (Eendracht vooruit) évoluant dans un championnat amateur. C'est l'histoire d'une amitié inébranlable qui existe entre de jeunes adultes qui jouent ensemble depuis leur plus tendre enfance. Erik, le capitaine, essaie tant bien que mal de maintenir son équipe mais il doit faire face aux problèmes de paternité de nombreux joueurs de l'équipe.
Ad Fundum
Ad Fundum (1993)
, 1h38
Directed by Erik Van Looy
Origin Belgique
Genres Drama
Actors Mathias Sercu, Axel Daeseleire, Jan Bijvoet, Jaak Van Assche, Marilou Mermans, Wim Opbrouck
Roles Tits
Rating66% 3.345143.345143.345143.345143.34514
Sammy, Dennis and Tom are 18 years old and inscribed as student at the university in Leuven. They rent some rooms in a fraternity house. As first-year students they decide to join a student association and have a hazing. They become freshman and "sell" themselves to do some tasks. The shy Sammy is giving the task to bring a jar of his own semen to the initiation ceremony. As he rejects, he is set on a "flying carpet". Whilst Sammy is in the air, chairman Guy Bogaerts orders the students to withdraw the carpet. Sammy falls on the ground, breaks his vertebra and dies immediately.