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Groenten uit Balen is a belge film of genre Drama directed by Frank Van Mechelen with Lucas Van den Eynde

Groenten uit Balen (2011)

Groenten uit Balen
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Length 1h50
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Historical
Rating69% 3.4931853.4931853.4931853.4931853.493185

Groenten uit Balen is a theatre play written by author Walter van den Broeck in 1972. Later, he adapted the play into a novel. In 2011 Van den Broek and Guido Van Meir once again adapted the novel into a movie.


Groenten uit Balen is based upon real events which took place in the Belgian community Balen. In 1971 it turned out the workmen of Vieille Montagne in the other Belgian plants had a much higher salary for similar work. The workers in Balen wanted a raise. This led to a dispute between the workmen, the trade unions and the directors board. The 1500 workmen in Balen went on a strike, but this was not accepted by the trade unions. As a result, the workmen did not earn any money at all. The strike went on for 9 weeks. Many charity was set up by inhabitants of Mol and Balen. Jef Sleeckx, a politician, convinced the banks to cancel payments temporarily for affected workmen. Houselords did not ask rent during the strike. Shops gave food for free or gave the impacted workmen a temporary job. At the end, the directors board agreed and the workmen even got a higher wage than requested.


Lucas Van den Eynde

(Piet Populiers)
Tiny Bertels

(Clara Debruycker)
Koen De Bouw

(Mijnheer Verheyen)
Axel Daeseleire

(Marcel )
Tom Dewispelaere

Trailer of Groenten uit Balen

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Source : Wikidata


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