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Ayla Algan is a Actor Turque born on 29 october 1937 at Istanbul (Turquie)

Ayla Algan

Ayla Algan
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Birth name Ayla Algan
Nationality Turquie
Birth 29 october 1937 at Istanbul (Turquie)
Death 4 january 2024 (at 86 years)

Ayla Algan (born 29 October 1937, in Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish film/stage actress and singer.


Ayla Algan was born in Istanbul and spent her childhood in France where she studied at Lycée Notre Dame de Sion Istanbul and Versailles Lycee. Then she moved to the USA where she joined the New York Actors Studio as an actress. Later, she joined the Language and Culture Center in Turkey and worked as a theatre actress and instructor. After film and theatre, she started a singing career.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ayla Algan (2 films)

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Last Harem
Last Harem (1999)
, 1h50
Directed by Ferzan Özpetek
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Historical
Actors Marie Gillain, Alex Descas, Lucia Bosè, Valeria Golino, Malick Bowens, Serra Yılmaz
Roles Valide
Rating60% 3.04683.04683.04683.04683.0468
La vieille Safiye raconte à la jeune Anita son histoire qui est celle de la dernière odalisque. Au début du XX siècle et à la veille de l'effondrement de l'Empire ottoman, dans le harem du sultan Abdülhamid II, elle est tombée amoureuse de l'eunuque Nadir avec lequel elle a conclu un pacte pour obtenir le pouvoir, c'est ainsi qu'elle a été amenée à devenir la « Favorite » du sultan, à qui elle donnera un enfant. Malheureusement, tout ce qu'elle avait conquis s'effondre lamentablement : son fils meurt empoisonné, le harem est dissous et Safiye est forcée de partir pour l'Italie où elle s'exhibera au théâtre pour survivre..