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Carlo Taranto is a Actor and Writer Italien born on 18 october 1921 at Naples (Italie)

Carlo Taranto

Carlo Taranto
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Nationality Italie
Birth 18 october 1921 at Naples (Italie)
Death 4 april 1986 (at 64 years) at Naples (Italie)

Carlo Taranto (28 October 1921 – 4 April 1986) was an Italian film actor. He appeared in 50 films between 1949 and 1984.

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Filmography of Carlo Taranto (32 films)

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Where's Picone?, 2h2
Directed by Nanni Loy
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Mafia films, Gangster films
Actors Giancarlo Giannini, Lina Sastri, Aldo Giuffrè, Carlo Croccolo, Remo Remotti, Carlo Taranto
Roles Gallina
Rating69% 3.4681853.4681853.4681853.4681853.468185
During a debate in Naples' town hall during the early 80s Pasquale Picone, a former Italsider (Italy's then state-owned steel company) worker who had recently lost his job pulls out a jerrycan of gasoline and sets himself alight in front of the Municipal Council, his wife and her three kids are unable to find out where he has been taken after an ambulance arrives with unusual haste and disappears with him on board. Desperate for news about her husband, the woman hires an unlikely kind of 'private eye' (Giancarlo Giannini), in the form of Salvatore Cannavacciuolo, a man who ekes out a living giving informations to people visiting the morgue for one thousand lire apiece. During his investigations Salvatore (who had his less than noble motivations to accept the task) finds out that Pasquale never worked for Italsider, he merely pretended to so; that way he could hide from his own family the fact that he was involved into a veritable web of deals ranging from contraband, to gambling and to outright criminal enterprises linked to the 'Camorra' (the Neapolitan version of the Mob) and its underground. Hoping to profit from this knowledge Salvatore delves deeper and deeper into Picone's secret life with results ranging from the farcical to the dangerous in a movie which can be seen as one of the very last examples of the Commedia all'Italiana genre (here hybridized with the detective story).
Atrocious Tales of Love and Death, 1h54
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Comedy
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Ornella Muti, Renato Pozzetto, Zeudi Araya, Michel Piccoli, Capucine
Rating61% 3.051643.051643.051643.051643.05164
Naples : Raffaele, un musicien de café, est cajolé pour interpréter une sérénade nocturne à l'extérieur d'un immeuble. Cependant, son jeu de mandoline est brutalement interrompu par des coups de feu et un homme jamaïcain qui tombe d'une fenêtre au-dessus. Un personnage du camp est également éjecté d'une fenêtre et Raffaele est contraint de mener sa propre enquête. Il s'avère qu'un célèbre maestro, Victor Navarro est victime de chantage. Lucia, la belle-fille séduisante de Navarro, était présente à chaque meurtre. Le détective amateur est attiré par elle et se retrouve mêlé à un mystère impliquant des menaces de mort et un secret macabre.
Midnight of Love
Directed by Ettore Maria Fizzarotti
Genres Romance
Actors Romina Power, Paolo Panelli, Al Bano, Ignazio Balsamo, Lino Banfi, Nino Terzo
Roles Francesco
Rating55% 2.7994352.7994352.7994352.7994352.799435
Le chaos règne dans cette suite de "Il suo nome è Donna Rosa". Le premier mari de Donna Rosa réapparaît et Giorgio demande à la jeune mariée Rosetta une faveur spéciale.
Il ragazzo che sorride
Genres Comedy, Musical
Actors Al Bano, Nino Taranto, Antonella Steni, Riccardo Garrone, Yvonne Sanson, Francesco Mulé
Roles Little hotel owner
Rating53% 2.683842.683842.683842.683842.68384
Une offre d'emploi conduit un jeune ingénieur italien au Kenya, mais la distance qui le sépare de sa femme commence à le faire douter de la fidélité de cette dernière.
Il suo nome è Donna Rosa
Directed by Ettore Maria Fizzarotti
Genres Musical, Romance
Actors Romina Power, Al Bano, Dolores Palumbo, Nino Taranto, Bice Valori, Enzo Cannavale
Roles Il maggiordomo
Rating48% 2.447232.447232.447232.447232.44723
Désireux d'épouser une comtesse, un veuf incite sa fille à se marier avec un noble. Mais il voit ses plans contrariés lorsqu'elle rencontre un jeune batelier de Capri.
Chimera (1968)

Directed by Ettore Maria Fizzarotti
Origin Italie
Genres Musical theatre, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Gianni Morandi, Laura Efrikian, Nino Taranto, Clelia Matania, Francesco Giacobini, Enzo Cannavale
Roles Roberto Mendoza
Rating51% 2.578952.578952.578952.578952.57895
Un chanteur en mal de succès saisit l'occasion de donner une série de concerts à Rio de Janeiro. Mais il découvre que son promoteur a une autre idée derrière la tête.
The Nephews of Zorro, 1h36
Directed by Marcello Ciorciolini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Western, Spaghetti Western
Themes Medical-themed films, Superhero films, Films about disabilities, Buddy films, Personne sourde ou muette, Zorro
Actors Ciccio Ingrassia, Dean Reed, Ivano Staccioli, Agata Flori, Ignazio Spalla, Mario Maranzana
Roles l'altro cleptomane
Rating60% 3.0277553.0277553.0277553.0277553.027755
Franco et Ciccio, deux cousins siciliens, s'embarquent clandestinement pour la Californie pour chercher de l’or. Mais arrivés sur place, ils se retrouvent très vite mêlés aux évènements opposants Zorro au gouverneur de la région.
All the Gold in the World
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Romina Power, Linda Christian, Al Bano, Ciccio Ingrassia, Nino Taranto, Enrico Montesano
Roles Cessionario
Rating51% 2.5539452.5539452.5539452.5539452.553945
Le fils d'un riche industriel force une femme à devenir sa fiancée en la menaçant de pousser ses parents à la faillite. Mais un héros improbable entre en scène.
All the Gold in the World
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Musicarello
Actors Romina Power, Linda Christian, Al Bano, Riccardo Garrone, Antonella Steni, Francesco Mulé
Roles Cessionario
Rating57% 2.8544452.8544452.8544452.8544452.854445
Carlo est un chanteur à succès qui a épousé Livia avec laquelle il a un enfant nommé Maurizio. Carlo accepte une tournée aux États-Unis, mais peu avant son départ il trompe son épouse qui s'en aperçoit et le quitte en emportant l'enfant. Carlo admet son erreur et voulant aussi bien reconquérir son épouse et que enfant Maurizio décide finalement de rester en Italie.
How We Robbed the Bank of Italy
Directed by Lucio Fulci
Genres Comedy, Crime
Themes Buddy films, Heist films
Actors Enzo Andronico, Ciccio Ingrassia, Mario Pisu, Ignazio Balsamo, Umberto D'Orsi, Fiorenzo Fiorentini
Roles Pasquale Aniello
Rating60% 3.04763.04763.04763.04763.0476
Franco and Ciccio are the brothers of Paolo "The Master", the big chief of specialized group for make a big robbery in the Bank of Italy. The two stupid thieves stolen the Paolo's plane and combine an other group of thieves without a real experience for make the same robbery before Paolo's operation.
No One Can Judge Me, 1h47
Directed by Ettore Maria Fizzarotti
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Musicarello
Actors Laura Efrikian, Nino Taranto, Vittorio Congia, Clelia Matania, Wanda Capodaglio, Carlo Taranto
Roles Peppiniello
Rating56% 2.8392752.8392752.8392752.8392752.839275
Federico arrive à Rome pour chercher du travail. Il est renversé par le directeur d'un grand magasin qui finit par l'engager comme préposé aux ascenseurs. Le garçon rencontre alors Laura, vendeuse, mais leur amour est contrarié par le patron de la fille, qui s'est entiché d'elle.
Made in Italy, 1h40
Directed by Nanni Loy
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Lando Buzzanca, Claudio Gora, Marina Berti, Aldo Giuffrè, Walter Chiari, Renzo Marignano
Roles Office Employee (segment "4 'Cittadini, stato e chiesa', episode 1")
Rating67% 3.376553.376553.376553.376553.37655
En una trentaine de sketches, Nanni Loy décrit de façon aiguisée les coutumes des Italiens.
I'm Not Worthy of You
Directed by Ettore Maria Fizzarotti
Genres Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Gianni Morandi, Laura Efrikian, Nino Taranto, Enrico Viarisio, Raffaele Pisu, Dolores Palumbo
Roles Sergente Scannapietra
Rating54% 2.7022852.7022852.7022852.7022852.702285
Gianni prend congé de l'armée pour lancer sa carrière de chanteur à Rome, mais devient méfiant lorsqu'un autre homme tente de séduire sa fiancée Carla.