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Daisy and Violet Hilton is a Actor British born on 5 february 1908 at Brighton (United-kingdom)

Daisy and Violet Hilton

Daisy and Violet Hilton
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Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 5 february 1908 at Brighton (United-kingdom)
Death 4 january 1969 (at 60 years) at Charlotte (USA)

Daisy Hilton and Violet Hilton (5 February 1908 – 4 January 1969) were a pair of English conjoined twins. They were exhibited in Europe as children, and toured the United States sideshow, vaudeville and American burlesque circuits in the 1920s and 1930s.

Usually with

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Filmography of Daisy and Violet Hilton (2 films)

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Chained for Life, 1h21
Directed by Harry L. Fraser
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Actors Daisy and Violet Hilton, Allen Jenkins, Patricia Wright, Jack Mulhall
Roles Dorothy Hamilton
Rating42% 2.128192.128192.128192.128192.12819
The movie opens with a judge (Norval Mitchell) begging the audience for help in resolving a terrible dilemma. The action moves to a courtroom, where Vivian Hamilton is on trial for the shooting death of her sister's lover. The story unfolds in flashback as various characters are called to testify.
Freaks (1932)
, 1h4
Directed by Tod Browning
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Fantastic, Horror
Themes Circus films, Medical-themed films, Films about disabilities
Actors Wallace Ford, Edgar Allan Woolf, Leila Hyams, Olga Baclanova, Roscoe Ates, Harry Earles
Roles the Siamese twins
Rating77% 3.8997953.8997953.8997953.8997953.899795
The film opens with a sideshow barker drawing customers to visit the sideshow. A woman looks into a box to view a hidden occupant and screams. The barker explains that the horror in the box was once a beautiful and talented trapeze artist. The central story is of this conniving trapeze artist Cleopatra, who seduces and marries sideshow midget Hans after learning of his large inheritance. Cleopatra conspires with circus strongman Hercules to kill Hans and inherit his wealth. At their wedding reception, Cleopatra begins poisoning Hans' wine. Oblivious, the other "freaks" announce that they accept Cleopatra in spite of her being a "normal" outsider: they hold an initiation ceremony in which they pass a massive goblet of wine around the table while chanting, "We accept her, we accept her. One of us, one of us. Gooba-gobble, gooba-gobble". The ceremony frightens the drunken Cleopatra, who accidentally reveals that she has been having an affair with Hercules. She mocks the freaks, tosses the wine in their faces and drives them away. The humiliated Hans realizes that he's been played for a fool and rejects Cleopatra's attempts to apologize, but then he falls ill from the poison.